Get List of Readies (GetList)

Returns List of readies for user with status set to on

Method Url{username}/Ready/GetList



{username}{username} string true replace {username} with your fusion username in the method url before sending the request.
StartIndex int 1 false start index of resultset
RecordCount int 200 false total resultset size
Tags string false List of tags to filter resultset
SearchText string false SearchText to filter resultset
Format string xml false output format. available format's XML,json,jsonp

Output / Result

Returns List of readies

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "count": 2,
    "list": [
            "referenceid": "R001153",
            "token": "READY-1139",
            "thumbnail_url": "",
            "name": "",
            "tags": [],
            "auto_saved": false,
            "state": "Active"
            "referenceid": "R001152",
            "token": "Imprint-Polo",
            "thumbnail_url": "",
            "name": "",
            "tags": [],
            "auto_saved": false,
            "state": "Active"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
countintNumber of total readies available for the user.
listarray/listArray / List of readies.

See object for more details


referenceidstringunique identifier for ready.
namestringName of the ready defined during ready creation process.
tokenstring The ReadyToken for ready. This is required to perform any operation for readies.
tagsArray of stringsList of tags associated with ready.
thumbnail_urlstringif image is cached this is the path of thumbnail image.
statestringready current state (Active.Create).

Expected Response
      <Name>Polo Shirt</Name>
      <Tags />
      <Token>3x3 Scale</Token>
      <Name>3x3 Scale</Name>
      <Tags />

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
CountintNumber of total readies available for the user.
Listarray/listArray / List of readies.

See object for more details


ReferenceIDstringunique identifier for ready.
NamestringName of the ready defined during ready creation process.
Tokenstring The ReadyToken for ready. This is required to perform any operation for readies.
TagsArray of stringsList of tags associated with ready.
ThumbnailUrlstringif image is cached this is the path of thumbnail image.
Statestringready current state (Active.Create).

Get Ready Definition (GetDefinition)

Return the ready meta data.

Method Url{username}/Ready/GetDefinition?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true Ready unique identifier.
Format string xml false output format (xml.json,jsonp).

Output / Result

return the object with ready meta data with all the properties ( Blank, Elements List etc).

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "definition": {
        "referenceid": "R001327",
        "active": true,
        "name": "Case2181-Emb Elements",
        "tags": [],
        "token": "READY-1326",
        "elements": [
                "elementid": 4153,
                "name": "Text1",
                "element_type": "Lettering",
                "lettering_params": {
                    "character_height": 254,
                    "show_font_collection": true,
                    "show_color_collection": true,
                    "fontcollection_referenceid": "1",
                    "default_font_referenceid": "F00080",
                    "colorcollection_referenceid": "48",
                    "default_color_referenceid": "0082FF00018",
                    "arc_radius": 762,
                    "arc_ccw": false,
                    "monogram": false,
                    "monogram_height1": 0,
                    "monogram_height2": 0,
                    "monogram_height3": 0,
					"text_list": [
                            "show_prompt": true,
                            "prompt": "Enter Your First Name",
                            "text": "TEXT",
                            "show_text_input": true,
                            "show_character_limit": true,
                            "character_limit": 10
                            "show_prompt": true,
                            "prompt": "Enter Your Last Name",
                            "text": "TEXT",
                            "show_text_input": true,
                            "show_character_limit": true,
                            "character_limit": 10
					"show_justifictaion": true
                "elementid": 4152,
                "name": "Text2",
                "element_type": "Lettering",
                "lettering_params": {
                    "character_height": 254,
                    "show_font_collection": true,
                    "show_color_collection": true,
                    "fontcollection_referenceid": "1",
                    "default_font_referenceid": "F00080",
                    "colorcollection_referenceid": "48",
                    "default_color_referenceid": "0082FF00018",
                    "arc_radius": 762,
                    "arc_ccw": false,
                    "monogram": false,
                    "monogram_height1": 0,
                    "monogram_height2": 0,
                    "monogram_height3": 0,
					"text_list": [
                            "show_prompt": true,
                            "prompt": "Enter Your First Name",
                            "text": "TEXT",
                            "show_text_input": true,
                            "show_character_limit": true,
                            "character_limit": 10
                            "show_prompt": true,
                            "prompt": "Enter Your Last Name",
                            "text": "TEXT",
                            "show_text_input": true,
                            "show_character_limit": true,
                            "character_limit": 10
                "elementid": 4155,
                "name": "Design1",
                "element_type": "StaticDesign",
                "design_referenceid": "D000301",
                "design_name": "Mickey"
                "elementid": 4154,
                "name": "SelectableDesign1",
                "element_type": "SelectableDesign",
                "design_params": {
                    "show_design_collection": true,
                    "designcollection_referenceid": "540",
                    "designcollection_name": "540",
                    "show_prompt": true,
                    "prompt": "Select Design",
                    "default_design_referenceid": "D000301",
                    "enable_user_uploaded": false,
                    "show_user_uploaded_propmt": true,
                    "user_uploaded_propmt": "Upload Design",
                    "design_area_width": 1016,
                    "design_area_height": 1016,
                    "scale_to_fit": "Always"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
definitionobject/nodedata object with ready properties.
error_codestringonly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.

Expected Response
    <Name>Case2181-Emb Elements</Name>
    <Tags />
				<Prompt>Enter Your First Name</Prompt>
				<Prompt>Enter Your Last Name</Prompt>
				<Prompt>Enter Your First Name</Prompt>
				<Prompt>Enter Your Last Name</Prompt>
          <Prompt>Select Design</Prompt>
          <UserUploadedPropmt>Upload Design</UserUploadedPropmt>

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
Definitionobject/nodedata object with ready properties.
ErrorCodestringonly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.

Get Ready Image (GetImage)

Downloads Ready Image.

Method Url{username}/Ready/GetImage?parameters



{username}{username} string true replace {username} with your fusion username in the method url before sending the request.
ReferenceID string true ready referenceid returned as referenceid field in GetList.
Thumbnail bool false false Possible values 0 or 1 (true,false).
Width int 100 false width of requested image.
Height int false Returned image will be scaled down if height exceeds this
ColorName string false The Product color to generate image at, if not specified uses default color
ViewName string false The View to generate image at, if not specified uses default
E.ElementID.Text or E.ElementName.Text.ElementID.TextorE.ElementName.Text string false Change the Ready element text. This is applicable for only Lettering Elements (the element type is lettering). Pass query string variable E.ElementID.Text or E.ElementName.Text (Refer to Ready -> GetDefinition for ElementID/ElementName)
E.ElementID.Color or E.ElementName.Color.ElementID.ColororE.ElementName.Color string false Change Ready element color. This is applicable for only Lettering Elements (the element type is lettering). Pass query string variable E.ElementID.Color or E.ElementName.Color (Refer to Ready -> GetDefinition for ElementID/ElementName). Any RGB value is valid for this parameter. Url Encode values before passing.

Output / Result

Returns a Ready Image based on the provided parameters.

Get Ready File (GetFile)

Returns Production file.

Method Url{username}/Ready/GetFile?parameters



ReferenceID string true Unique identifier for the ready you want to download. Refer referenceid field from GetList/GetDifinition
RotAng int 0 false Rotate all production files by a specified degree. Any integer between 1 and 360 is allowed.
E.ElementID.Text or E.ElementName.Text.ElementID.TextorE.ElementName.Text string false Change Ready element text. This is applicable for only Lettering elements (element type is lettering). Pass query string variable E.ElementID.Text or E.ElementName.Text (Refer Ready -> GetDefinition for ElementID/ElementName)
E.ElementID.Color or E.ElementName.Color.ElementID.ColororE.ElementName.Color string false Change Ready element color. This is applicable for only Lettering elements (element type is lettering). Pass query string variable E.ElementID.Color or E.ElementName.Color (Refer Ready -> GetDefinition for ElementID/ElementName). Any RGB value is valid for this parameter. Url Encode values before passing.
DPI int 199 false only applicable to raster output files(.png). Max value allowed is 300
FileIndex string 0 false The index of the production file you would like.
FileName string ReadyID.ofm or .eps true The file name you want to use for the downloaded file. Important note: the extension of this file name will determine the actual format of the downloaded fulfillment file.
  • 'Embroidery formats' - ofm, exp, dst
  • 'Vector formats' - eps, png, svg, svgz
  • 'Raster formats' - png, svg, svgz
  • 'Mixed Raster/Vector formats' - png, svg, svgz
FabricStyle string false This is style unique identifier i.e. style referenceid and this parameter is only applicable to embroidery files. It will override the blank setting for style. Any invalid value will be discarded i.e. if we don't find the style in our records then it will apply settings from blank.

Output / Result

Returns a production file for the Ready.

Get Fulfillment Archive (GetArchive)

Download a zip file with all fulfillment files and information for the specified Ready based on the provided parameters.

Method Url{username}/Ready/GetArchive?parameters



{username}{username} string true Replace {username} with your fusion username in the method url before sending the request.
ReferenceID string true Unique identifier for the Ready.
EmbFormat string ofm false The extension of the file format you'd like for your embroidery file(s).
  • 'Valid Values' - ofm, exp, dst
VectorFormat string svg false The extension of the file format you'd like for your vector/raster files.
  • 'Valid Values' - svg, svgz, png, eps
DPI int 300 false If VectorFormat is set to png, the DPI parameter specifies the dots per inch of the output file.
RotAng int 0 false Rotate all production files by a specified degree. Any integer between 1 and 360 is allowed.
E.ElementID.Text or E.ElementName.Text.ElementID.TextorE.ElementName.Text string false Change the Ready element text. This is applicable for only Lettering Elements (the element type is lettering). Pass query string variable E.ElementID.Text or E.ElementName.Text (Refer to Ready -> GetDefinition for ElementID/ElementName)
E.ElementID.Color or E.ElementName.Color.ElementID.ColororE.ElementName.Color string false Change Ready element color. This is applicable for only Lettering Elements (the element type is lettering). Pass query string variable E.ElementID.Color or E.ElementName.Color (Refer to Ready -> GetDefinition for ElementID/ElementName). Any RGB value is valid for this parameter. Url Encode values before passing.
FabricStyle string false This is style unique identifier i.e. style referenceid and this parameter is only applicable to embroidery files. It will override the blank setting for style. Any invalid value will be discarded i.e. if we don't find the style in our records then it will apply settings from blank.
E.[Composition Name].FabricStyle.[CompositionName].FabricStyle string false you can use the fabric style parameter to override the settings on each composition level by composition name. This parameter is only applicable to embroidery files. It will override the blank and ready style setting. Any invalid value will be discarded i.e. if we don't find the style in our records then it will apply settings from ready or blank i.e. if ready contains two compositions "Front" and "Back" then you can pass this parameter as E.Front.FabricStyle=S000012 and E.Back.FabricStyle=S000013 and output file will be generated by applying styles for each production file.
E.[Composition ReferenceID].FabricStyle.[CompositionReferenceID].FabricStyle string false you can use the fabric style parameter to override the settings on each composition level by composition referenceid. This parameter is only applicable to embroidery files. It will override the blank and ready style setting. Any invalid value will be discarded i.e. if we don't find the style in our records then it will apply settings from ready or blank i.e. if ready contains two compositions "C000001" and "C000002" then you can pass this parameter as E.C000001.FabricStyle=S000012 and E.C000002.FabricStyle=S000013 and output file will be generated by applying styles for each production file.

Output / Result

Returns a zip file containing production-ready files and information for personalization associated with the provided Ready, based on the parameters provided.

Get Ready Tags (GetTags)

Return the ready tag list.

Method Url{username}/Ready/GetTags?parameterlist



Format string xml false output format (xml.json,jsonp).

Output / Result

return the list of ready tags.

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "count": 3,
    "list": [
            "name": "Red",
            "count": 1
            "name": "Polo",
            "count": 1
            "name": "Hot Pad",
            "count": 1

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
countintNumber of total tags.
listarray/listdata object with ready properties.
error_codestringonly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.

Expected Response
      <Name>Hot Pad</Name>

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
CountintNumber of total tags.
Listarray/listdata object with ready properties.
ErrorCodestringonly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.
