In order to protect your files, authentication is required for all calls related to fullfillment files.
Compute Authentication string
Computation FormulaAuthenticationString = BytesToHex(MD5(utf8(username + ':' + apikey + ':' + url)));You can get your API key by clicking on account link in upper right corner.
The url is the Path and querystring (no hostname).
Click to view an example of computation in C#
static string GetAuthString(string username, string apikey, string url) { System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider m = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); Byte[] encodedBytes = m.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(username + ':' + apikey + ':' + url)); string auth2 = ""; System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < encodedBytes.Length; i++) { sb.Append(encodedBytes[i].ToString("X2")); } auth2 = sb.ToString(); return auth2; }
When you make a webservice call which requires authentication, you need to pass the computed authentication string to the webservice using one of two methods.
- Method 1:
Pass ldfauth through the query string.
Note: the query string must be at end of the list of parameters.string auth = GetAuthString(username, apikey, url); url = "" + url + "&ldfauth=" + auth;
- Method 2:
Pass ldfauth through the http request header.string auth = GetAuthString(username, apikey, url); url = "" + url; downloader.Headers["ldfauth"] = auth;
Optional ticket based authentication
The ticket method is needed if you wish to generate direct urls to fullfillment files in javascript or html.You can create a ticket which expires in 2 days using an API call:
"" + username + "/Token/GetAuthTicket?date=" + currdate + "&format=xml"
- The currdate variable is in the format: yyyy-MM-dd (year-month-day ie. 2010-08-25).
- This call must be authenticated using authentication string.
- The ticket is under the root-node of the returned xml, in a parameter called "Ticket".
- The returned ticket can then be appended to any webservice url in a querystring parameter called 'LDFTicket'.
When the ticket is appended to a url it must be escaped (including plus signs).
Example: Create Ticket using C#:
static public string GetTicket(string username, string apikey) { string curr = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string ticketurl = "/" + username + "/Token/GetAuthTicket?date=" + curr + "&format=xml"; // Use the authentication method above to authenticate: string auth = GetAuthString(username, apikey, ticketurl); ticketurl = "" + ticketurl; // Download the ticket: ticketurl = ticketurl + "&ldfauth=" + auth; WebClient wc2 = new WebClient(); string ticketxml = wc2.DownloadString(ticketurl); System.Xml.XmlDocument x = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); x.LoadXml(ticketxml); string ticket = x.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("Ticket").InnerText; return ticket; } string ticket = GetTicket(username, apikey); url = url + "&LDFTicket=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(ticket);