Get Collection List (GetList)

Return the list of color collections.

Method Url{username}/ColorCollections/GetList?parameters



Format string xml false return the result object in this format. Available formts xml,json,jsonp
StartIndex int 1 false Starting Index of the Color Collecton List.
RecordCount int 10000 false Maximum number of designs in the retuned list (List Size).
Service string/int all false Service ID or name to reduce the dataset. Embroidery or 1 to retreive the list of embroidery color collections. Printing or 2 to retreive the list of printing color collections.

Output / Result

return list of color collections.

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "count": 2,
    "list": [
            "referenceid": "CC0001",
            "name": "Holidays",
            "service": "Embroidery",
            "count": 2,
            "colors": [
                    "referenceid": "0082FF00018",
                    "r": 0,
                    "g": 130,
                    "b": 255,
                    "display_name": "Light Blue",
                    "default_name": "Light Blue",
                    "supplier_code": "0001",
                    "thread_code": "8"
                    "referenceid": "FF00E100014",
                    "r": 255,
                    "g": 0,
                    "b": 225,
                    "display_name": "Red 21",
                    "default_name": "Red",
                    "supplier_code": "0001",
                    "thread_code": "4"
            "referenceid": "CC0003",
            "name": "10 Colors",
            "service": "Embroidery",
            "count": 1,
            "colors": [
                    "referenceid": "FF00FF00015",
                    "r": 255,
                    "g": 0,
                    "b": 255,
                    "display_name": "Purple",
                    "default_name": "Purple",
                    "supplier_code": "0001",
                    "thread_code": "5"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
countintTotal number of available color collections under your account.
listarray/listList / Array of Color Collections.

See object for more details


referenceidstringunique identifier for color collection. Required to perform any activity on color collections.
namestringName of the color collection.
servicestringName of the service for this color collection.
countintNumber of colors in this collection.
colorsArray/ListList/Array of colors in this collection.

See object for more details


referenceidstringunique identifier for color. Required to perform any activity on color object.
rintColor R value.
gintColor G value.
bintColor B value.
display_namestringColor display name.
default_namestringColor default name.
manufacturerstringColor manufacturer name.
thread_codestringColor thread code.

Expected Response
          <DisplayName>Light Blue</DisplayName>
          <DefaultName>Light Blue</DefaultName>
      <Name>10 Colors</Name>

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
CountintTotal number of available color collections under your account.
Listarray/listList / Array of Color Collections.

See object for more details


ReferenceIDstringunique identifier for color collection. Required to perform any activity on color collections.
NamestringName of the color collection.
ServicestringName of the service for this color collection.
CountintNumber of colors in this collection.
ColorsArray/ListList/Array of colors in this collection.

See object for more details


ReferenceIDstringunique identifier for color. Required to perform any activity on color object.
RintColor R value.
GintColor G value.
BintColor B value.
DisplayNamestringColor display name.
DefaultNamestringColor default name.
ManufacturerstringColor manufacturer name.
ThreadCodestringColor thread code.

Create Collection (Create)

Create a new color collection. If color collection already exists with same name then return the error object. User must be authentication to perform this activity

Method Url{username}/ColorCollections/Create?parameters



Name string true Name of the color collection to be created.
Service string true Service ID or name for the collection service. Embroidery or 1 to create collection for embroidery. Printing or 2 to create printing collection.
Format string xml false output format. Available formats xml,json,jsonp.

Output / Result

return the result object with the following properties

Expected Response
	"success" : "true",
	"referenceid" : "CC00001"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
referenceidstringReferenceID for the newly created collection.
error_codestringOnly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringOnly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
ReferenceIDstringReferenceID for the newly created collection.
ErrorCodestringOnly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringOnly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.

Add To Collection (Add)

Add Color to collection. User must be authentication to perform this activity

Method Url{username}/ColorCollections/Add?parameters



ReferenceID string true Color Collection ReferenceID.
ColorReferenceID string true Comma seperated list of Color referenceid.Format is "6 digits Hex value+ 4 digits Supplier Code+ thread code"
Format string xml false return the result object in this format. Available formts xml,json,jsonp

Output / Result

Assign Color to collection and return the result object with the following properties

Expected Response
	"success" : "true"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
error_codestringOnly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringOnly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
ErrorCodestringOnly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringOnly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.

Remove From Collection (Remove)

Remove Color from collection. User must be authentication to perform this activity

Method Url{username}/ColorCollections/Remove?parameters



ReferenceID string true Color Collection ReferenceID.
ColorReferenceID string true Color ReferenceID for the color to be removed from the collection.
Format string xml false return the result object in this format. Available formts xml,json,jsonp

Output / Result

Remove the color from collection and return the result object with the following properties

Expected Response
	"success" : "true"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed
Return false if failed to execute.
error_codestringOnly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed
Return false if failed to execute.
ErrorCodestringOnly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.

SetSequence (SetSequence)

Set the Sequence of Colors in the collection. This sequence is used to display colors to end user. User must be authentication to perform this activity

Method Url{username}/ColorCollections/SetSequence?parameters



ReferenceID string true Color Collection ReferenceID.
ColorList string true comma separated list of Color ReferenceID for all the Colors to be seqenced.
Format string xml false return the result object in this format. Available formts xml,json,jsonp

Output / Result

Set the sequence of colors in the collection and return the result object with the following properties

Expected Response
	"success" : "true"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed
Return false if failed to execute.
error_codestringOnly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed
Return false if failed to execute.
ErrorCodestringOnly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.

Delete Collection (Delete)

Delete Color collection and return the result object. User must be authentication to perform this activity

Method Url{username}/ColorCollections/Delete?parameters



ReferenceID string true Color Collection ReferenceID.
Format string xml false return the result object in this format. Available formts xml,json,jsonp

Output / Result

Delete Color Collection and return the result object with the following properties

Expected Response
	"success" : "true"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false"

Return true if successfully executed
Return false if failed to execute.
error_codestringOnly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false"

Return true if successfully executed
Return false if failed to execute.
ErrorCodestringOnly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.

Get Thread Color File (.clr File) (GetDefaultColorFile)

Returns .clr file with all he color information.

Method Url{username}/ColorCollections/GetDefaultColorFile?parameters



ReferenceID string true ReferenceID for the Color File to be downloaded.

Output / Result

Returns the Thread Catalog file.

Get Color File (.clr file) (GetColorFile)

Returns a comma-delimited file containing all of the color information for the provided Color Collection.

Method Url{username}/ColorCollections/GetColorFile?parameters



ReferenceID string true ReferenceID of the requested thread collection.

Output / Result

Returns the Color file.

Get Color Files List (GetDefaultColorFilesList)

Return the list of color default/global color files.

Method Url{username}/ColorCollections/GetDefaultColorFiles?parameters



Format string xml false return the result object in this format. Available formts xml,json,jsonp
Service string/int true Service ID or name to filter the dataset. Embroidery or 1 to retreive the list of embroidery color collections. Printing or 2 to retreive the list of printing color collections.

Output / Result

return list of color collections.

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "count": 2,
    "list": [
            "referenceid": "- CSD Default Colors",
            "name": "- CSD Default Colors"
            "referenceid": "- HUS Default Colors",
            "name": "- HUS Default Colors"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
countintTotal number of available color collections under your account.
listarray/listList / Array of color files..

See object for more details
error_codestringonly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.


referenceidstringunique identifier for color file.
namestringName of the color collection.

Expected Response
      <ReferenceID>- CSD Default Colors</ReferenceID>
      <Name>- CSD Default Colors</Name>
      <ReferenceID>- HUS Default Colors</ReferenceID>
      <Name>- HUS Default Colors</Name>

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
CountintTotal number of available color collections under your account.
Listarray/listList / Array of color files..

See object for more details
ErrorCodestringonly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.


ReferenceIDstringunique identifier for color file.
NamestringName of the color collection.

Get List of Color in Color File (GetColorFileDetails)

Return the list of colors in color file.

Method Url{username}/ColorCollections/GetColorFileDetails?parameters



Format string xml false return the result object in this format. Available formts xml,json,jsonp
ReferenceID string true ReferenceID of Color File.

Output / Result

return list of color collections.

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "count": 2,
    "list": [
            "manufacturer": null,
            "thread_code": "1",
            "supplier_code": "0001",
            "name": "Black",
            "r": 0,
            "g": 0,
            "b": 0,
            "active": []
            "manufacturer": null,
            "thread_code": "2",
            "supplier_code": "0001",
            "name": "Blue",
            "r": 0,
            "g": 0,
            "b": 255,
            "active": [

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
countintTotal number of available color collections under your account.
listarray/listList / Array of color files..

See object for more details


objectidintunique id
manufacturerstringThread Manufacturer
thread_codestringSupplier Thread Code
supplier_codestringSupplier Code
namestringThread Name
rintColor r value
gintColor g value
bintColor b value

Expected Response
      <Manufacturer />
      <Active />
      <Manufacturer />
      <Active />

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
CountintTotal number of available color collections under your account.
Listarray/listList / Array of color files..

See object for more details


Objectidintunique id
ManufacturerstringThread Manufacturer
ThreadCodestringSupplier Thread Code
SupplierCodestringSupplier Code
NamestringThread Name
RintColor r value
GintColor g value
BintColor b value
