Get List (GetList)

Return the list of fonts / alphabets associated with user account.

Method Url{username}/Fonts/GetList?parameterlist



Format string xml false output format. available format's XML,json,jsonp
StartIndex int 0 false Starting Index of the Fonts / Alphabet List.
RecordCount int 1000000 false Number of records to be returned in the list.
CollectionReferenceID string false Collection ReferenceID if you want to search the fonts associated with specific collection.
Tags string false comma separated list if tags, It will search the fonts based on "end" condition. For example if you passed "embroidery,melco" then it will return the fonts where both tags are associated.
SearchText string false Search text, if you want to search the fonts by some specific text. It will search the text in the name of the font.

Output / Result

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "count": 2,
    "list": [
            "referenceid": "F00054",
            "name": "Micro Block",
            "file_name": "Micro Block.ofa",
            "font_face": "Micro Block",
            "service": "Embroidery",
            "tags": ["ABC","ACD"],
            "collection_list": [],
            "referenceid": "F00037",
            "name": "Micro Block New",
            "file_name": "Micro Block.ofa",
            "font_face": "Micro Block",
            "service": "Embroidery",
            "tags": [],
            "collection_list": [
                    "referenceid": "FC0011"
                    "referenceid": "2"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
countintTotal number of fonts available based on the filters.
listArray/ListArray / List of Fonts available based on all the input filters.

See object for more details


referenceidstringUnique identifier for the font.
namestringFont / Alphabet name.
file_namestringName of the Font / Alphabet File.
serviceEmbroidery or Printing based on the font/alphabet type.
tagsArray/ListArray / List of Tags associated with this font.
fontsArray/ListArray / List of Collections referencing this font.
cache_imagestringImage Path of preview image. Default size is 350x80

Expected Response
      <Name>Micro Block</Name>
      <FileName>Micro Block.ofa</FileName>
      <FontFace>Micro Block</FontFace>
      <CollectionList />
      <Tags />

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
CountintTotal number of fonts available based on the filters.
ListArray/ListArray / List of Fonts available based on all the input filters.

See object for more details


ReferenceIDstringUnique identifier for the font.
NamestringFont / Alphabet name.
FileNamestringName of the Font / Alphabet File.
ServiceEmbroidery or Printing based on the font/alphabet type.
TagsArray/ListArray / List of Tags associated with this font.
FontsArray/ListArray / List of Collections referencing this font.
CacheImagestringImage Path of preview image. Default size is 350x80

Get Font Definition (GetDefinition)

Return the font meta data.

Method Url{username}/Fonts/GetDefinition?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true Font unique identifier.
Format string xml false output format (xml.json,jsonp).

Output / Result

return the object with font meta data.

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "definition": {
        "referenceid": "F00050",
        "name": "Micro Block",
        "file_name": "Micro Block.ofa",
        "service": "Embroidery",
        "font_face": "Micro Block",
        "tags": [Embroidery, Block],
        "collections_count": 1,
        "compositions_count": 5,
        "readies_count": 0

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
definitionobject/nodefont object

See object for more details
error_codestringonly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.


referenceidstringFont unique identifier.
namestringFont name.
file_namestringFont file name.
servicestring"Embroidery" or "Print" base don font type.
font_facestringFont Style Name.
tagsArray / ObjectArray of font / alphabet tags.
collections_countintNumber of collections (Font associated with)
compositions_countintNumber of Compositions (Font associated with)
readies_countintNumber of Readies (Font associated with)

Expected Response
    <Name>Micro Block</Name>
    <FileName>Micro Block.ofa</FileName>
    <FontFace>Micro Block</FontFace>

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
Definitionobject/nodefont object

See object for more details
ErrorCodestringonly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.


ReferenceIDstringFont unique identifier.
NamestringFont name.
FileNamestringFont file name.
Servicestring"Embroidery" or "Print" base don font type.
FontFacestringFont Style Name.
TagsArray / ObjectArray of font / alphabet tags.
CollectionsCountintNumber of collections (Font associated with)
CompositionsCountintNumber of Compositions (Font associated with)
ReadiesCountintNumber of Readies (Font associated with)

Get Image (GetImage)

Return the Font Preview Image. Preview image text is not configureable.

Method Url{username}/Fonts/GetImage?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true Font Unique identifier.
Height int 400 false Height of the output image.
Width int 400 false Width of the output image.

Output / Result

Return Font Image.

Get Thumbnail Image (GetThumbnail)

Return the font thumbnail image.

Method Url{username}/Fonts/GetThumbnail?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true required If FileID parameter is not passed. Font unique identifier.
Width int 100 false Thumbnail Image size in pixels.
Height int 100 false Height of the output image

Output / Result

return thumbnail image (graphics).

Get Font File (GetFile)

Returns the Font file.

Method Url{username}/Fonts/GetFile?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true A unique identifier, representing the font to download.

Output / Result

returns font file.

Get Tags (GetTags)

Retreive the List of Font/Alphabet tags.

Method Url{username}/Fonts/GetTags?parameterlist



Format string xml false output format. available format's XML,json,jsonp

Output / Result

Return the List of Tags and count of fonts/alphabets referencing this tag.

Expected Response
    "success" : "true",
    "count" : 2,
    "list" : [
            "name" : "Monogram",
            "count" : 1
            "name" : "Holidays",
            "count" : 1

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
countintTotal number of available tags.
listArray/List of itemsList / Array of Items

See object for more details
error_codestringonly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.


namestringName of the Tag.
countintNumber of Fonts / Alphabets associated with this tag.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
CountintTotal number of available tags.
ListArray/List of itemsList / Array of Items

See object for more details
ErrorCodestringonly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.


NamestringName of the Tag.
CountintNumber of Fonts / Alphabets associated with this tag.

Set Font Meta Data (SetMetaData)

update the Font Information / metadata.

Method Url{username}/Fonts/SetMetaData?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true Font Unique Indetifier.
Name string true Font Name (this will be updated as new Font name).
Tags string true Comma separated list of tags you want to associate with font.

Output / Result

Update the font metadata information and return the following object.

Expected Response

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstring"true" if information updated successfully or "false" if failed.
error_codestringOnly available if there is error in execution.
error_messagestringdetailed error message.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


Successstring"true" if information updated successfully or "false" if failed.
ErrorCodestringOnly available if there is error in execution.
ErrorMessagestringdetailed error message.

Upload Font/Alphabet (Upload)

Import the posted file as font/alphabet.

Method Url{username}/Fonts/Upload?parameterlist



id string true Unique identifier forthe fonts. If passed as blank then It will create automatically new unique identifier.
tags string false Comma seperated List of Tags to be associated with font.
Format string xml false output format (xml, json,jsonp).

Output / Result

Upload / Import the posted file into fonts library.


successstring"true" if design imported successfully else "false".
error_codestringAvailable if execution is failed.
error_messagestringDetailed error message (Available if execution is failed).
referenceidstringAvailable only if success=true. Unique identifier for font.
file_namestringAvailable only if success=true. font file name.
style_countintnumber of styles in this file. Available only if success=true.


Successstring"true" if design imported successfully else "false".
ErrorCodestringAvailable if execution is failed.
ErrorMessagestringDetailed error message (Available if execution is failed).
ReferenceIDstringAvailable only if success=true. Unique identifier for font.
FileNamestringAvailable only if success=true. font file name.
StyleCountintnumber of styles in this file. Available only if success=true.

Delete Font (Delete)

it will remove the font if not associated with Compositions / Collections / Readies.

Method Url{username}/Fonts/Delete?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true Font unique identifier, you want to delete.
Format string xml false output format (xml,json,jsonp).

Output / Result

Delete font.

Expected Response

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values (true,false). Return true if executed successfully else false.
error_codestringonly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values (true,false). Return true if executed successfully else false.
ErrorCodestringonly available if failed to execute. This is error identifier. refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringonly available if failed to execute. This is detailed message for the error.

Get Preview (GetPreview)

Return the Font Preview Image.

Method Url{username}/Fonts/GetPreview?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true Font Unique identifier.
Width int 50 false Width of the output image.
Square bool true false output image will will be square image. If this value is true then height parameter value will be ignored.
text string Text false Preview Image Text.

Output / Result

Return Font Preview Image.