LoadPersonalization (LoadPersonalization)

Loads personalization popup for a given ready

                 //see params/options object (upload_redirect_url) if you are supporting user uploaded designs
                 Melco.LoadPersonalization(Username, ReadyToken, callback [optional], popupMode [optional])


UserName string true LiveDesignerFusion Login Name.
ReadyToken string true Ready Token Defined in ready creation process.
callback method null false Function to call just before the popup is rendered (if you require changes to the default settings).
popupMode string popup false Display mode type:
  • 'popup' - Renders the ready and its controls in a popup window.
  • 'embed' - Embeds the ready and its controls into the page itself. This method places the Product View information into a div with an id of "ProductArea" and it places the Element Controls into a div with an id of "EditElementArea". Be sure these two divs exist in your page before calling this method. Also, in embed mode, you must call Melco.EmbedPersonalizationFinished() when the user personalization is finished (i.e. they click add to cart). Melco.CompletePersonalization (below) will then be called by fusion when the token has been validated in the database.
skipcontrols boolean false false If you are using the embed mode, this boolean value specifies whether Fusion should implment the controls or whether you will implement the controls manually.
  • 'false' - Fusion implements the controls for changing the lettering and designs.
  • 'true' - You must implement the controls for changing the lettering and designs using javascript API functions like Melco.SetElementText.
CultureName method en-US false Culture Name i.e. en_US etc. Cultures are not supported. This paremeter is for future implementation.
params object null false option object to set various settings

See object for more details


personalizer string false This parameter is used to assign any uploaded assets to unique identifier i.e. if personalization allows user uploaded designs then uploaded designs will be associated with identifier to retrieve or search designs later on. maximumallowed character length is 100 characters and anything loner than that will be truncated.
upload_formats string ofm,dst,png, gif,bmp,jpg, jpeg,eps,ai, svg false comma separated list of file format. It will apply client side validation before on file before processing. It's just check the file extension not quality of the file.
upload_max_size numeric 10000000 (10MB) false This setting is only applicable for user uploaded designs. This value will be applied to validate the file size before sendig file to server for processing. Requires value in byte format. if you want to set the value as 1 KB then pass this value as 1024
upload_min_size numeric 1 Byte false This setting is only applicable for user uploaded designs. This value will be applied to validate the file size before sendig file to server for processing. Requires value in byte format. if you want to set the value as 1 KB then pass this value as 1024
upload_redirect_url string false Redirect url is required to support file upload functionality in non html5 supported browsers (IE8 and IE9 etc.). This value will be ignored if browser supports html5. Implement the below Setup for proper functioning of this feature

1. Html Page : Create html page in your website by copying the contents from this page. Page name can be any

2. Property Value : Pass value of this property as location of html page created in step 1. If you websites is http://example.com and you created page on the root of the website as redirect.html then you will pass value of property as http://example.com/redirect.html
messages Objects Array null false Objects List/Array of messages displayed to end user during personalization process. Each object should contain two properties "name" of the key and "text" of the message. List of supported keys

upload_invalid_file : if user try to upload not supported file format.
upload_max_size : if user try to upload file more than allowed size.
upload_min_size : if user try to upload file less than required size.
upload_error : if error occured during upload process other than listed above .
carousel_animation boolean false false Application is changing selection to apply default values or parameters. This parameter defines the behaviour of animation i.e. if default font, color or design is outside the current carousel view then passing value as true will animate the selection and false will set selection without any animation

Output / Result

Renders the Personalization window.

CompletePersonalization (CompletePersonalization)

Callback variable for when a user hits the done button after personalization in popup mode or when EmbedPersonalizationFinished() completes successfully in embed mode.

            Melco.CompletePersonalization = function(result) {
              // Do stuff here...

Output / Result

Returns the result object with customization properties.

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "Data": {
        "Token": "0c9c8d60976c4c7e927b293a7a2ee4cf",
        "Color": {
            "Name": ""
        "Elements": [
                "Type": "L",
                "ServiceID": 1,
                "ElementID": 18879,
                "ElementName": "Text1",
                "AlphabetName": "Marker",
                "FileName": "Marker.OFA",
                "Text": "Melco",
                "Stitches": 1812,
                "Colors": [
                        "Type": "",
                        "HeightMM": 0,
                        "WidthMM": 0,
                        "SupplierCode": "0001",
                        "R": 0,
                        "G": 130,
                        "B": 255,
                        "Manufacturer": "CSD",
                        "ThreadCode": "8",
                        "ThreadName": "Light Blue"
                "Width": 107.8,
                "Height": 30.4,
                "Visible": -1
                "Type": "G",
                "Height": 78.2,
                "Width": 90.1,
                "ReferenceID": "C002397",
                "Elements": [
                        "Type": "L",
                        "ServiceID": 1,
                        "ElementID": 18878,
                        "ElementName": "Text1",
                        "AlphabetName": "Marker",
                        "FileName": "Marker.OFA",
                        "Text": "Text",
                        "Stitches": 1185,
                        "Colors": [
                                "Type": "",
                                "HeightMM": 0,
                                "WidthMM": 0,
                                "SupplierCode": "0001",
                                "R": 0,
                                "G": 130,
                                "B": 255,
                                "Manufacturer": "CSD",
                                "ThreadCode": "8",
                                "ThreadName": "Light Blue"
                        "Width": 74.8,
                        "Height": 25.9,
                        "Visible": -1
                        "Type": "D",
                        "ServiceID": 1,
                        "ElementID": 18877,
                        "ElementName": "Design1",
                        "DesignName": "HEART",
                        "FileName": "HEART.ofm",
                        "Stitches": 1623,
                        "Colors": [
                                "Type": "e",
                                "HeightMM": 0,
                                "WidthMM": 0,
                                "SupplierCode": null,
                                "R": 241,
                                "G": 255,
                                "B": 82,
                                "Manufacturer": "ARC Poly",
                                "ThreadCode": "21",
                                "ThreadName": null
                                "Type": "e",
                                "HeightMM": 0,
                                "WidthMM": 0,
                                "SupplierCode": null,
                                "R": 207,
                                "G": 76,
                                "B": 63,
                                "Manufacturer": "ARC Poly",
                                "ThreadCode": "3016",
                                "ThreadName": null
                        "Width": 90.1,
                        "Height": 78.2,
                        "Visible": -1
                "Name": "DesignText"


TokenstringThe instance token is required to retrieve any data related to this Personalization (i.e. a merged image, the fulfillment file, etc.). Upon calling CompletePersonalization, you should save this Token value to your database.
ColorobjectThe Color object with Product and BlankColor information selected in the Personalization popup.

See object for more details
Elementsarray/list List/Array of personalized / personalizable elements on the Product/Blank. This will be recursive object for composition i.e. if type is other than G then object will contain all the element properties but if the element type is G (Composition) then object will contain composition properties and will contain array of all the elements

See object for more details


ColorIDThe ColorID selected in the Personalization popup.
NamestringThe Color name selected in the Personalization popup.


TypestringElement Type L, D, G (L=Lettering, D=Design, G=Group of Elements).
ReferenceIDstringUnique Identifier for group. This element will be only available for group type elements
NamestringGroup Name, defined during group creation process. This element will be only available for grouped elements i.e. compositions
Elementsobject arrayOnly available for 'G' type elements. Each object in the array supports all the properties and methods available for each element type (Design, Lettering).
ServiceIDintEmbellishment / Service ID (1 = Embroidery, 2 = Printing).
ElementIDintThe unique identifier for the element.
ElementNamestringElement Name defined during the element creation process.
DesignNamestringThe design file name (available only for design elements).
AlphabetNamestringThe selected alphabet/font name, for example, Block, Arial (available only for lettering type elements).
FileNamestringThe file name of the selected alphabet/font. For example, Block.ofa, Arial.ttf, disney.ofm or football.eps.
TextstringThe text entetred by the user. The default text will be returned if the text input is hidden or if the text is not changed by the user (available for only lettering type elements).
StitchesintThe number of embroidery stitches. 0 will be returned for print text and designs.
WidthfloatThe element width in millimeters. This will be in pixels for graphic designs (i.e. .png, .jpeg). This is available for designs only.
HeightfloatThe element height in millimeters. This will be in pixels for graphic designs (i.e. .png, .jpeg). This is available for designs only.
Visibleint Returns element visibility overrides by JavaScript API, it returns following values
0 false
1 true
-1 No change inherited from ready
ColorsobjectList of Colors in the Lettering object

See object for more details


ColorIDintIdentity / Unique identifier for the color.
NamestringThe display name of the color.
ManufacturerstringThe name of the thread manufacturer. Blank string for print colors.
ThreadCodestringThe code or thread number of the embroidery thread. Blank string for print colors.
RintColor R value.
GintColor G value.
BintColor B value.
TypestringThe type of element layer. This is only available for embroidery designs. Possible values: a = applique, e = embroidery, s = sequin.
HeightMMfloatIf the type attribute is "a", this will contain the height of the applique layer in millimeters. Otherwise, this will return 0. Available only for embroidery designs.
WidthMMfloatIf the type attribute is "a", this will contain the width of the applique layer in millimeters. Otherwise, this will return 0. Available only for embroidery designs.


TokenstringThe instance token is required to retrieve any data related to this Personalization (i.e. a merged image, the fulfillment file, etc.). Upon calling CompletePersonalization, you should save this Token value to your database.
ColorobjectThe Color object with Product and BlankColor information selected in the Personalization popup.

See object for more details
Elementsarray/list List/Array of personalized / personalizable elements on the Product/Blank. This will be recursive object for composition i.e. if type is other than G then object will contain all the element properties but if the element type is G (Composition) then object will contain composition properties and will contain array of all the elements

See object for more details


ColoridThe ColorID selected in the Personalization popup.
NamestringThe Color name selected in the Personalization popup.


TypestringElement Type L, D, G (L=Lettering, D=Design, G=Group of Elements).
ReferenceIDstringUnique Identifier for group. This element will be only available for group type elements
NamestringGroup Name, defined during group creation process. This element will be only available for grouped elements i.e. compositions
Elementsobject arrayOnly available for 'G' type elements. Each object in the array supports all the properties and methods available for each element type (Design, Lettering).
ServiceIDintEmbellishment / Service ID (1 = Embroidery, 2 = Printing).
ElementIDintThe unique identifier for the element.
ElementNamestringElement Name defined during the element creation process.
DesignNamestringThe design file name (available only for design elements).
AlphabetNamestringThe selected alphabet/font name, for example, Block, Arial (available only for lettering type elements).
FileNamestringThe file name of the selected alphabet/font. For example, Block.ofa, Arial.ttf, disney.ofm or football.eps.
TextstringThe text entetred by the user. The default text will be returned if the text input is hidden or if the text is not changed by the user (available for only lettering type elements).
StitchesintThe number of embroidery stitches. 0 will be returned for print text and designs.
WidthfloatThe element width in millimeters. This will be in pixels for graphic designs (i.e. .png, .jpeg). This is available for designs only.
HeightfloatThe element height in millimeters. This will be in pixels for graphic designs (i.e. .png, .jpeg). This is available for designs only.
Visibleint Returns element visibility overrides by JavaScript API, it returns following values
0 false
1 true
-1 No change inherited from ready
ColorsobjectList of Colors in the Lettering object

See object for more details


ColoridintIdentity / Unique identifier for the color.
NamestringThe display name of the color.
ManufacturerstringThe name of the thread manufacturer. Blank string for print colors.
ThreadcodestringThe code or thread number of the embroidery thread. Blank string for print colors.
RintColor R value.
GintColor G value.
BintColor B value.
TypestringThe type of element layer. This is only available for embroidery designs. Possible values: a = applique, e = embroidery, s = sequin.
HeightmmfloatIf the type attribute is "a", this will contain the height of the applique layer in millimeters. Otherwise, this will return 0. Available only for embroidery designs.
WidthmmfloatIf the type attribute is "a", this will contain the width of the applique layer in millimeters. Otherwise, this will return 0. Available only for embroidery designs.


NameReturn TypeDescription
GetStitchCountintReturns the number of stitches for this element. It will return 0 (zero) for print text or designs.
    GetColorCountintReturns the number of colors for this element.
      GetUniqueColorsintReturns the object with each unique color for this element (unique based on RGB value).
      • 'ColorID'-The unique identifier for the color.
      • 'Name'-The color display name.
      • 'Manufacturer'-The name of the thread manufacturer. Blank string for print colors.
      • 'ThreadCode'-The code or thread Number of the embroidery thread. Blank string for print colors.
      • 'R'-Color R value.
      • 'G'-Color G value.
      • 'B'-Color B value.
      GetWidthfloatReturns the element width in millimeters.
        GetHeightfloatReturns the element height in millimeters.

          CancelPersonalization (CancelPersonalization)

          Callback variable/function when user hits cancel button. Only available when using popup mode.

                      Melco.CancelPersonalization = function() {
                        // Do stuff here...

          Output / Result

          EditPersonalization (EditPersonalization)

          Function to load the popup with a previous personalization instance token.

          Melco.EditPersonalization(Username, ReadyToken, InstanceToken, callback [optional]);


          UserName string true LiveDesignerFusion Login Name.
          ReadyToken string true The ready Token defined during the ready creation process.
          InstanceToken string true The instance Token previously passed to CompletePersonalization.
          callback method null false Function to call just before the popup is rendered (if you require changes to the default settings).
          CultureName method en-US false Culture Name i.e. en_US etc. Cultures are not supported. This paremeter is for future implementation.
          popupMode string popup false Display mode type:
          • 'popup' - Renders the ready and its controls in a popup window.
          • 'embed' - Embeds the ready and its controls into the page itself. This method places the Product View information into a div with an id of "ProductArea" and it places the Element Controls into a div with an id of "EditElementArea". Be sure these two divs exist in your page before calling this method. Also, in embed mode, you must call Melco.EmbedPersonalizationFinished() when the user personalization is finished (i.e. they click add to cart). Melco.CompletePersonalization (below) will then be called by fusion when the token has been validated in the database.
          params object null false Properties object with following available properties
          • 'end_username' - This parameter is used to assign any end user assets to user account i.e. if personalization allows user uploaded designs then uploaded designs will be associated with account to retrieve or search designs by end username. End User Name is unique identiflier of the website visitor.

          Output / Result

          Renders the Personalization window for editing.

          LoadTokenStitchPlayer (LoadTokenStitchPlayer)

          Loads personalization stitch player for a given token

          Melco.LoadTokenStitchPlayer(username, containerID,token,fullfillmentindex,options [optional)


          username string true LiveDesignerFusion Login Name.
          containerID string true ID of the conatiner(div) where you want to add stitch player.
          token string true Personalization token (alpha numeric string)
          fullfillmentindex int 0 true This is the index of the personalization, you want to play in the stitch player. This index is linked to index in the GetFullfillmentDetails and applicable for tokens with multiple compositions/elements on the same/different views.
          options object null false display properties:

          example:{width: 400,height: 400,autoplay: true,speed:50}
          • 'width' - width of the player, default size is 200.
          • 'height' - height of the player, default size is 200.
          • 'autoplay' - auto play player on load, default value is false.
          • 'speed' - player stitch speed, default value is 75.
          • 'param' - List of additional parameters for flash player, default value is null.

          Output / Result

          Renders stitch player.

          LoadCompositionStitchPlayer (LoadCompositionStitchPlayer)

          Loads personalization stitch player for a given composition

          Melco.LoadCompositionStitchPlayer(username, containerID,compositionReferenceID,options [optional)


          username string true LiveDesignerFusion Login Name.
          containerID string true ID of the conatiner(div) where you want to add stitch player.
          compositionReferenceID string true Composition ReferenceID. comsposition unique identifier (alpha numeric string).
          options object null false display properties:

          example:{width: 400,height: 400,autoplay: true,speed:50}
          • 'width' - width of the player, default size is 200.
          • 'height' - height of the player, default size is 200.
          • 'autoplay' - auto play player on load, default value is false.
          • 'speed' - player stitch speed, default value is 75.
          • 'param' - List of additional parameters for flash player, default value is null.

          Output / Result

          Renders composition stitch player.

          LoadDesignStitchPlayer (LoadDesignStitchPlayer)

          Loads personalization stitch player for a given composition

          Melco.LoadDesignStitchPlayer(username, containerID,designReferenceID,options [optional)


          username string true LiveDesignerFusion Login Name.
          containerID string true ID of the conatiner(div) where you want to add stitch player.
          designReferenceID string true Design ReferenceID. Design unique identifier (alpha numeric string).
          options object null false display properties:

          example:{width: 400,height: 400,autoplay: true,speed:50}
          • 'width' - width of the player, default size is 200.
          • 'height' - height of the player, default size is 200.
          • 'autoplay' - auto play player on load, default value is false.
          • 'speed' - player stitch speed, default value is 75.
          • 'param' - List of additional parameters for flash player, default value is null.

          Output / Result

          Renders design stitch player.

          SetDefaultElementDesign (SetDefaultElementDesign)

          Function to override the default design for a selectable design element. This must be called in the callback function passed to LoadPersonalization or EditPersonalization and this will only work for designs available in the selected design collection.

          Melco.SetDefaultElementDesign(ElementName, DesignReferenceID);


          ElementName string true The element's name entered into name field in Fusion Admin.
          DesignReferenceID string true The ReferenceID of the design you'd like to set.

          Output / Result

          Changes the default design for the element in the personalization window.

          SetDefaultElementText (SetDefaultElementText)

          [Deprecated] Function to override the default text for a lettering element. This must be called in a callback function passed to LoadPersonalization or EditPersonalization. This method only supports chaging first line of text i.e. if Text element contains multiple text line then calling this method will change only first line.Refer SetDefaultTextElement for more options.

                           Melco.SetDefaultElementText(ElementName, Text);


          ElementName string true The element's name entered into the name field in Fusion Admin.
          Text string true The default text you'd like to set.

          Output / Result

          Changes the default text for the element in personalization window.

          SetDefaultTextElement (SetDefaultTextElement)

          Function to override the default lettering element. This must be called in a callback function passed to LoadPersonalization or EditPersonalization.

                                   element_name: "Text1",
                                   text: new Array("Melco", "Embroidery"),
                                   on_error: function (err) {
                                   on_success: function () {
                                       //logic to perform some activity

          Parameters (properties object)

          element_name string true The element's name entered into the name field in Fusion Admin during ready/composition creation process.
          text array true array of text elements.
          on_error function false callback function to handle error response. it return error object.
          on_success function false callback function to handle success response.

          Output / Result

          Changes the default Lettering element properties in personalization window.

          SetTextElement (SetTextElement)

          Function to set the lettering element properties when implementing controls manually.

                                   element_name: "Text1",
                                   text: new Array("Melco", "Embroidery"),
                                   on_error: function (err) {
                                   on_success: function () {
                                       //logic to perform some activity

          Parameters (options/properties object)

          element_name string true The element's name entered into the name field in Fusion Admin during ready/composition creation process.
          text array true array of text elements.
          on_error function false callback function to handle error response. it return error object.
          on_success function false callback function to handle success response.

          Output / Result

          Changes the default Lettering element properties in personalization window.

          SetDefaultElementColor (SetDefaultElementColor)

          Function to override default text for a lettering element (Must be called in callback function passed to LoadPersonalization or EditPersonalization.



          ElementName string true The element's name entered into name field in fusion admin
          ColorName string true The default Color you'd like to set, if you'd like to set to RGB color use html hex notation (ie #ff0000 for red)

          Output / Result

          Change the default element color in personalization window.

          SetDefaultElementFont (SetDefaultElementFont)

          Function to override the default font for a lettering element. This must be called in a callback function passed to LoadPersonalization or EditPersonalization.

          Melco.SetDefaultElementFont(ElementName, FontName);


          ElementName string true The element's name entered into name field in Fusion Admin.
          FontName string true The Font you'd like to set.

          Output / Result

          Select the Font as the default in the personalization window.

          SetDefaultBlankColor (SetDefaultBlankColor)

          Function to override the default color for a blank. This must be called in a callback function passed to LoadPersonalization or EditPersonalization.



          ColorName string true The Color you'd like to set.

          Output / Result

          Selects the Color as the default product/blank color in the personalization window.

          GetElementList (GetElementList)

          This function gets a list of elements included in a Ready. This must be called in the callback function and passed to LoadPersonalization or EditPersonalization.


          Output / Result

          Returns an array of elements (including all parameters) in the ready.

          GetBlankColorList (GetBlankColorList)

          This function gets a list of blank colors in the Ready. The returned array contains a subarray called views which is list of Views for a given color. This must be called in a callback function passed to LoadPersonalization or EditPersonalization.


          Output / Result

          Returns an array of blank colors (including all parameters) in the ready.

          RemoveBlankColor (RemoveBlankColor)

          Function removes a Blank Color in Ready. (Must be called in callback function passed to LoadPersonalization or EditPersonalization)



          ColorName string true The Name of the blank color, entered in the Fusion Admin, to remove.

          Output / Result

          Removes the blank color from the ready.

          GetReadyTags (GetReadyTags)

          This function gets a list of Tags assigned to a Ready. This must be called in a callback function passed to LoadPersonalization or EditPersonalization.


          Output / Result

          Returns an array of Tags assigned to ready.

          GetBlankTags (GetBlankTags)

          This function gets a list of Tags assigned to a Blank. This must be called in a callback function passed to LoadPersonalization or EditPersonalization.


          Output / Result

          Returns an array of Tags assigned to the blank.

          SetDefaultElement (SetDefaultElement)

          This function gives you the ability to override the default visibility of elements before loading the interface. In the future, this function may allow you to override other element properties in addition to visibility (i.e. text, etc.). This function must be called in a callback function passed to LoadPersonalization or EditPersonalization.

                                   show: {
                                         option: 'only',         // only, all, invert: (required)
                                         visible: true,          // true, false: (required) value to show/hide 
                                         element_name: 'Front',  // element_name as defined in the ready creation process
                                         is_composition: true    // true, false: is this element a composition
                                   on_error: function (err) {
                                       alert('on_error function callbak: ' + err.message);
                                   on_success: function () {
                                       alert('on_success function callback');

          Parameters (options/properties object)

          show options / properties object true Show or hide elements. Available properties:
          • option:
            • only:
              Apply this visibility to one element only. No other element visibility properties are changed. For example, if other elements are marked as visible in the Admin configuration, they will remain visible. If hidden, they will remain hidden. The only element visibility that will be changed is the one indicated by the element_name and is_composition properties.
            • all:
              Apply this visibility to all elements. The element_name and is_composition parameters are optional.
            • invert:
              Apply this visibility to the element indicated by the element_name and is_composition properties. This will also apply the opposite visibility to all other elements. For example, let's say a ready has three compositions on it (comp_1, comp_2, and comp_3). If you pass visible = true, element_name = comp_2, and is_composition = true, then comp_2 will be shown and comp_1 and comp_3 will be hidden.
          on_error function false callback function to handle error response. it return error object.
          on_success function false callback function to handle success response.

          Output / Result

          Elements will be shown or hidden as requested.