Get List of Blanks (GetList)

Returns List of blanks for this user

Method Url{username}/Blanks/GetList



{username}{username} string true replace {username} with your fusion username in the method url before sending the request.
StartIndex int 0 false start index of resultset
RecordCount int 100 false total resultset size. Max allowed value is 200
Tags string false List of tags to filter resultset
SearchText string false SearchText to filter resultset
Format string xml false output format. available format's XML,json,jsonp

Output / Result

Returns List of blanks

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "count": 2,
    "list": [
            "referenceid": 739,
            "name": "polo",
            "tags": [
            "image_100x100": "",
            "auto_save": false
            "referenceid": 710,
            "name": "Checker 1700",
            "tags": [],
            "image_100x100": "",
            "auto_save": false

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
countintNumber of total blanks available for the user.
listarray/listArray / List of blanks.

See object for more details


referenceidstringunique identifier for blank.
namestringName of the blank defined during blank creation process.
tagsArray of stringsList of tags associated with blank.
image_100x100stringif image is cached this is the path of thumbnail image.
auto_savebooleanBoolean value representing the state of blank. If it's in process of editing or not.

Expected Response
      <Tags />
      <Name>Checker 1700</Name>
      <Tags />

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
CountintNumber of total blanks available for the user.
Listarray/listArray / List of blanks.

See object for more details


ReferenceIDstringunique identifier for blank.
NamestringName of the blank defined during blank creation process.
TagsArray of stringsList of tags associated with blank.
Image100X100stringif image is cached this is the path of thumbnail image.
AutoSavebooleanBoolean value representing the state of blank. If it's in process of editing or not.

Get Blank Definition (GetDefinition)

Return the blank meta data.

Method Url{username}/Blanks/GetDefinition?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true blank unique identifier.
Format string xml false output format (xml.json,jsonp).

Output / Result

Return blank object.

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "definition": {
        "referenceid": 740,
        "name": "PNG",
        "default_image_definition": {
            "image_fileid": 911,
            "imageid": 7845,
            "file_name": "10185537.png",
            "image_url": "",
            "view_name": "",
            "color_name": "",
            "tags": [],
            "canvas_width": 470,
            "canvas_height": 470,
            "original_width": 2362,
            "original_height": 2362,
            "image": ""
        "tags": [
        "images": [
                "image_fileid": 911,
                "imageid": 7845,
                "file_name": "10185537.png",
                "image_url": "",
                "view_name": "",
                "color_name": "",
                "tags": [],
                "canvas_width": 470,
                "canvas_height": 470,
                "original_width": 2362,
                "original_height": 2362,
                "image": ""

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
definitionarray/listblank object.

See object for more details


referenceidstringThis is unique identifier for blank and required to access the any information about this blank.
namestringBlank name
tagsarray/xmlnodeArray / List of tags associated with the blank.
default_image_definitionarray/listblank default image object.

See object for more details
imagearray/listpreview image url
imagesarray/listList/Array of images (structure macthes with default_image_definition)


image_fileidstringUnique identifier for blank image
file_namestringfile name
image_urlstringhttp url if image is brwosed from the internet.
view_namestringImage view name. i.e front or back
color_namestringImage color name. i.e front or back
tagsarray/xmlnodeArray / List of tags associated with the image.
canvas_widthintCanvas width, defined in blank creation process.
canvas_heightintCanvas height, defined in blank creation process.
original_widthintactual width of uploaded image.
original_heightintactual height of uploaded image.

Expected Response
      <Tags />
        <Tags />

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
Definitionarray/listblank object.

See object for more details


ReferenceIDstringThis is unique identifier for blank and required to access the any information about this blank.
NamestringBlank name
Tagsarray/xmlnodeArray / List of tags associated with the blank.
DefaultImageDefinitionarray/listblank default image object.

See object for more details
Imagearray/listpreview image url
Imagesarray/listList/Array of images (structure macthes with default_image_definition)


ImageFileidstringUnique identifier for blank image
FileNamestringfile name
ImageUrlstringhttp url if image is brwosed from the internet.
ViewNamestringImage view name. i.e front or back
ColorNamestringImage color name. i.e front or back
Tagsarray/xmlnodeArray / List of tags associated with the image.
CanvasWidthintCanvas width, defined in blank creation process.
CanvasHeightintCanvas height, defined in blank creation process.
OriginalWidthintactual width of uploaded image.
OriginalHeightintactual height of uploaded image.

Get Blank Image (GetImage)

Returns an image of blank.

Method Url{username}/Blanks/GetImage?parameterlist



ImageFileID string true The unique identifier of the blank image.
CustParams JSON object false Customization object (JSON).

Output / Result

Returns an image of the blank.

Get Blank Tags (GetTags)

Returns a list of blank tags.

Method Url{username}/Blanks/GetTags?parameterlist



RecordCount int 50 false Retrict the max resultset size to this value.
Format string xml false Output format. Available format's: XML, json, jsonp

Output / Result

Returns the list of tags in requested format.

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "count": 2,
    "list": [
            "name": "shirt",
            "count": 1
            "name": "towel",
            "count": 1

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
countinttag count.
listobjectArray / List of the requested tags.

See object for more details
error_codestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.


namestringThe name of the tag
countstringThe number of blanks,where this tag is associated.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
Countinttag count.
ListobjectArray / List of the requested tags.

See object for more details
ErrorCodestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.


NamestringThe name of the tag
CountstringThe number of blanks,where this tag is associated.
