Get Fulfillment Archive (GetArchive)

Download a zip file with all fulfillment files and information for a given Token. This call must be authenticated or the call will fail. Archive file will include all the user uploaded designs.

Method Url{username}/TokenFulfillment/GetArchive?{parameterlist}



{username}{username} string true Replace {username} with your fusion username in the method url before sending the request.
Token string true The instance token that was returned in the CompletePersonalization call.
EmbFormat string ofm false The extension of the file format you'd like for your embroidery file(s).
  • 'Valid Values' - ofm, exp, dst
VectorFormat string svg false The extension of the file format you'd like for your vector/raster files.
  • 'Valid Values' - svg, svgz, png, eps
DPI int 300 false If VectorFormat is set to png, the DPI parameter specifies the dots per inch of the output file.
RotAng int 0 false Rotate all production file by specified degree. Any value between 1-360 is allowed.
IncludeAllElements boolean false false Include all elements in the response obejcts. This will override all the changes applied by JavaScriptAPI or element set to hidden in he admin section
FabricStyle string false This is style unique identifier i.e. style referenceid and this parameter is only applicable to embroidery files. It will override the blank setting for style. Any invalid value will be discarded i.e. if we don't find the style in our records then it will apply settings from blank.
E.[Composition Name].FabricStyle.[CompositionName].FabricStyle string false you can use the fabric style parameter to override the settings on each composition level by composition name. This parameter is only applicable to embroidery files. It will override the blank and ready style setting. Any invalid value will be discarded i.e. if we don't find the style in our records then it will apply settings from ready or blank i.e. if ready contains two compositions "Front" and "Back" then you can pass this parameter as E.Front.FabricStyle=S000012 and E.Back.FabricStyle=S000013 and output file will be generated by applying styles for each production file.
E.[Composition ReferenceID].FabricStyle.[CompositionReferenceID].FabricStyle string false you can use the fabric style parameter to override the settings on each composition level by composition referenceid. This parameter is only applicable to embroidery files. It will override the blank and ready style setting. Any invalid value will be discarded i.e. if we don't find the style in our records then it will apply settings from ready or blank i.e. if ready contains two compositions "C000001" and "C000002" then you can pass this parameter as E.C000001.FabricStyle=S000012 and E.C000002.FabricStyle=S000013 and output file will be generated by applying styles for each production file.
RecalculateStitches boolean false false This is applicable to embroidery elements only. stitch count calculations are approximation and can vary depending on the embroidery factors i.e. user text inputs and fabric styles etc.. passing/sending this parameter will recalculate the stitches to closest number possible.

Output / Result

Returns a zip file containing production-ready files and information for personalization associated with the provided token.

Get Fulfillment Definition (GetDefinition)

Get a list of fulfillment files with their associated information.

Method Url{username}/TokenFulfillment/GetDefinition?parameterlist



{username}{username} string true Replace {username} with your fusion username in the method url before sending the request.
Token string true The instance token that was returned in the CompletePersonalization call.
Format string xml false Output format. Available format's: XML, json, jsonp
IncludeAllElements boolean false false Include all elements in the response obejcts. This will override all the changes applied by JavaScriptAPI or element set to hidden in he admin section
RecalculateStitches boolean false false This is applicable to embroidery elements only. stitch count calculations are approximation and can vary depending on the embroidery factors i.e. user text inputs and fabric styles etc.. passing/sending this parameter will recalculate the stitches to closest number possible.

Output / Result

Returns the list of Fulfillment files with their associated information in requested format.

Expected Response
    "success": true,
    "definition": {
        "count": 1,
        "token": "f3fe2bb459cb459ab632af9add9d4f92",
        "tokenid": 40180,
        "token_created": "Dec 02, 2011 21:00:07 GMT",
        "token_duration": "1:5",
        "num_print": 0,
        "num_embroidery": 1,
        "ready_name": "ABC",
        "blank_name": "Shirt PNG",
        "product_color": "",
        "ready_tags": [],
        "preview_thumbnails": [
                "view_name": "",
                "blank_imageid": 7845
        "list": [
                "fulfillmentid": 1417,
                "file_name": "Text  1",
                "has_vector": false,
                "has_raster": false,
                "has_embroidery": true,
                "stitches": 1590,
                "width": 111.2,
                "height": 24.3,
				"visible": true,
                "colors": [
                        "name": "",
                        "r": 0,
                        "g": 0,
                        "b": 0,
                        "manufacturer": "",
                        "thread_name": "",
                        "thread_code": ""
                "product_images": [
                        "view_name": "",
                        "blank_imageid": 7845
                "user_designs": [
                        "referenceid": "UUD000300",
                        "file_name": "20_995.png",
                        "stitches": 0,
                        "colors": 0,
                        "height": 85,
                        "width": 500,
                        "service": "Printing",
                        "enduser_name": ""

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


countintThe total number of fulfillment files.
tokenstringThe instance token passed back to the client function call.
tokenidintInteger representing the Token/Session.
token_createdstringThe date and time that the token was created.
token_durationstringThe time (in minutes and seconds) that a user took when modifying an existing token. This is the last modified date minus the token create date.
num_printintThe number of fulfillment files that have either vector or raster data (non-embroidery fulfillment files).
num_embroideryintThe number of fulfillment files that have embroidery data (non-print fulfillment files).
ready_namestringThe name of the ready used in this personalization.
blank_namestringThe name of the blank used with the ready in this personalization.
product_colorstringThe color of the product that the user selected in the personalization popup.
ready_tagsarray/listAn array / list of all tags associated with the ready used in this personalization.

See object for more details
preview_thumbnailsarray/listAn array / list of all preview images associated with the ready used in this personalization.

See object for more details
listarray/listAn array / list of fulfillment files.

See object for more details


ready_tagstringA tag associated with the ready used in this personalization.


view_namestringThe name of this view of the product.
blank_imageidintThe unique identifier of the blank image associated with this view.


fulfillmentidstringThe id of fullfillment file.
file_namestringThe name of this fulfillment file without the extension (the extension the file gets depends on the file format requested).
has_vectorbooleanTrue if the fulfillment file has vector elements.
has_rasterbooleanTrue if the fulfillment file has raster elements.
has_embroiderybooleanTrue if the fulfillment file has embroidery elements.
stitchesintThe number of stitches in the design (0 if this is a print design).
widthfloatThe width of the design in mm.
heightfloatThe height of the design in mm.
visiblebooleanTrue if the fulfillment element is visible and false if element is set to invisible by JavaScriptAPI or in admin configuration
colorsarray/listArray / List of colors associated with the design.

See object for more details
product_imagesarray/listArray / List of product images this fulfillment file contains.

See object for more details
user_designsarray/listAn array / list of all user uploaded designs in this personalization.

See object for more details


namestringThe name of the color.
rintThe red component of the color (0-255).
gintThe green component of the color (0-255).
bintThe blue component of the color (0-255).
manufacturerstringThe thread manufacturer (Embroidery).
thread_codeintThe thead code (Embroidery).


view_namestringThe name of this view of the product.
blank_imageidintThe unique identifier of the blank image associated with this view.


referenceidstringDesign ReferenceID. This is unique identifier to access design.
file_namestringDesign File Name
stitchesintNumber of Stitches in the File. This value will be zero for print files.
colorsintNumber of colors in the design. This value will be 0(zero) for graphics file i.e. .png,.jpeg files.
heightdecimalDesign height
widthdecimalDesign Width

Expected Response
		<TokenCreated>Dec 02, 2011 21:00:07 GMT</TokenCreated>
		<BlankName>Shirt PNG</BlankName>
				<FileName>Text  1</FileName>

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


CountintThe total number of fulfillment files.
TokenstringThe instance token passed back to the client function call.
TokenIDintInteger representing the Token/Session.
TokenCreatedstringThe date and time that the token was created.
TokenDurationstringThe time (in minutes and seconds) that a user took when modifying an existing token. This is the last modified date minus the token create date.
NumPrintintThe number of fulfillment files that have either vector or raster data (non-embroidery fulfillment files).
NumEmbroideryintThe number of fulfillment files that have embroidery data (non-print fulfillment files).
ReadyNamestringThe name of the ready used in this personalization.
BlankNamestringThe name of the blank used with the ready in this personalization.
ProductColorstringThe color of the product that the user selected in the personalization popup.
ReadyTagsarray/listAn array / list of all tags associated with the ready used in this personalization.

See object for more details
PreviewThumbnailsarray/listAn array / list of all preview images associated with the ready used in this personalization.

See object for more details
Listarray/listAn array / list of fulfillment files.

See object for more details


ReadyTagstringA tag associated with the ready used in this personalization.


ViewNamestringThe name of this view of the product.
BlankImageIDintThe unique identifier of the blank image associated with this view.


FulfillmentIDstringThe id of fullfillment file.
FileNamestringThe name of this fulfillment file without the extension (the extension the file gets depends on the file format requested).
HasVectorbooleanTrue if the fulfillment file has vector elements.
HasRasterbooleanTrue if the fulfillment file has raster elements.
HasEmbroiderybooleanTrue if the fulfillment file has embroidery elements.
StitchesintThe number of stitches in the design (0 if this is a print design).
WidthfloatThe width of the design in mm.
HeightfloatThe height of the design in mm.
VisiblebooleanTrue if the fulfillment element is visible and false if element is set to invisible by JavaScriptAPI or in admin configuration
Colorsarray/listArray / List of colors associated with the design.

See object for more details
ProductImagesarray/listArray / List of product images this fulfillment file contains.

See object for more details
UserDesignsarray/listAn array / list of all user uploaded designs in this personalization.

See object for more details


NamestringThe name of the color.
RintThe red component of the color (0-255).
GintThe green component of the color (0-255).
BintThe blue component of the color (0-255).
ManufacturerstringThe thread manufacturer (Embroidery).
ThreadCodeintThe thead code (Embroidery).


ViewNamestringThe name of this view of the product.
BlankImageIDintThe unique identifier of the blank image associated with this view.


ReferenceIDstringDesign ReferenceID. This is unique identifier to access design.
FileNamestringDesign File Name
StitchesintNumber of Stitches in the File. This value will be zero for print files.
ColorsintNumber of colors in the design. This value will be 0(zero) for graphics file i.e. .png,.jpeg files.
HeightdecimalDesign height
WidthdecimalDesign Width

Get Fulfillment File (GetFile)

Returns the fulfillment file for a given personalization token and fulfillment id. This call must be authenticated or it will fail.

Method Url{username}/TokenFulfillment/GetFile?{parameterlist}



{username}{username} string true Replace {username} with your fusion username in the method url before sending the request.
Token string true The instance token that was returned in the CompletePersonalization call.
FulfillmentID string true The id of fulfillment file to download. This is found in the data returned from the TokenFulfillment/GetDefinition call.
FileName string true The file name you want to use for the downloaded file. Important note: the extension of this file name will determine the actual format of the downloaded fulfillment file.
  • 'Embroidery formats' - ofm, exp, dst
  • 'Vector formats' - eps, png, svg, svgz
  • 'Raster formats' - png, svg, svgz
  • 'Mixed Raster/Vector formats' - png, svg, svgz
Format string xml false Output format. Available format's: XML, json, jsonp
DPI int 300 false If the file name has an extension of png, this DPI parameter specifies the dots per inch of the output file.
RotAng int 0 false Rotate all production file by specified degree. Any value between 1-360 is allowed.
FabricStyle string false This is style unique identifier i.e. style referenceid and this parameter is only applicable to embroidery files. It will override the blank setting for style. Any invalid value will be discarded i.e. if we don't find the style in our records then it will apply settings from blank.

Output / Result

Returns the requested fulfillment file for production of the personalization.

Get Fulfillment Preview (GetfulfillmentPreview)

Returns the fulfillment preview for a given personalization token and fulfillment id. This call must be authenticated or it will fail.

Method Url{username}/TokenFulfillment/GetfulfillmentPreview?{parameterlist}



{username}{username} string true Replace {username} with your fusion username in the method url before sending the request.
Token string true instance token.
FulfillmentID string true The id of fulfillment preview. This is found in the data returned from the TokenFulfillment/GetDefinition call.
Width int 100 false Preview Image width.
MaxHeight int 0 false Maximum height of output image. It will scale by maintaining aspect ratio.

Output / Result

Returns the requested fulfillment preview image.