Get List (GetList)

Get List of Compositions

Method Url{username}/Compositions/GetList?parameterlist



StartIndex int 0 false Starting Index of the Composition List.
RecordCount int 100 false Maximum number of compositions in the retuned list (List Size). maximum allowed value is 200.
Tags string false Comma separated list of tags. This list will apply search filter as "and" condition. if this parameter is passed as "embroidery,melco" then composition list return only compositions having both tags associated.
SearchText string false Search Text. This will search parameter text in composition name.
Format string xml false output format. available format's XML,json,jsonp

Output / Result

Return the list of compositions in requested format.

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "count": 2,
    "list": [
            "referenceid": "C001775",
            "name": "ABC",
            "tags": [],
            "image_100x100": "",
            "auto_save": false
            "referenceid": "C001762",
            "name": "OnlyWhenBigger",
            "tags": [],
            "image_100x100": "",
            "auto_save": false

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
countintTotal number of compositions available based on the applied filters/parameters.
listarray/listArray / List of compositions.

See object for more details


referenceidstringThis is unique identifier for design and required to access the any information about this composition.
namestringComposition name
tagsarray/xmlnodeArray / List of tags associated with the composition.
image_100x100url/string url path to get the composition thumbnail.
auto_saveurl/string url path to get the design thumbnail.

Expected Response
      <Tags />
      <Tags />

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
CountintTotal number of compositions available based on the applied filters/parameters.
Listarray/listArray / List of compositions.

See object for more details


ReferenceIDstringThis is unique identifier for design and required to access the any information about this composition.
NamestringComposition name
Tagsarray/xmlnodeArray / List of tags associated with the composition.
Image100X100url/string url path to get the composition thumbnail.
AutoSaveurl/string url path to get the design thumbnail.

Get Definition (GetDefinition)

Return the composition meta data.

Method Url{username}/Compositions/GetDefinition?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true Composition unique identifier.
FullObject boolean true false return full defintion of composition. Full Object will include all the child elements also.
Format string xml false output format (xml.json,jsonp).

Output / Result

Return composition object.

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "definition": {
        "referenceid": "C001799",
        "name": "COMP Test",
        "tags": [],
        "preview": "",
        "elements": [
                "elementid": 3834,
                "name": "Design  1",
                "element_type": "StaticDesign",
                "design_referenceid": "D000161",
                "design_name": "2x2"
                "elementid": 3832,
                "name": "Text  1",
                "element_type": "Lettering",
                "lettering_params": {
                    "character_height": 254,
                    "show_font_collection": true,
                    "show_color_collection": true,
                    "fontcollection_referenceid": "1",
                    "default_font_referenceid": "F00054",
                    "colorcollection_referenceid": "48",
                    "default_color_referenceid": "FF00E100014",
                    "arc_radius": 762,
                    "arc_ccw": false,
                    "monogram": false,
                    "monogram_height1": 190,
                    "monogram_height2": 292,
                    "monogram_height3": 190,
					"text_list": [
                            "show_prompt": true,
                            "prompt": "Enter Your First Name",
                            "text": "TEXT",
                            "show_text_input": true,
                            "show_character_limit": true,
                            "character_limit": 10
                            "show_prompt": true,
                            "prompt": "Enter Your Last Name",
                            "text": "TEXT",
                            "show_text_input": true,
                            "show_character_limit": true,
                            "character_limit": 10
					"show_justifictaion": true
                "elementid": 3833,
                "name": "SelectableDesign  1",
                "element_type": "SelectableDesign",
                "design_params": {
                    "show_design_collection": true,
                    "designcollection_referenceid": "DC0021",
                    "designcollection_name": "ABC",
                    "show_prompt": true,
                    "prompt": "Select Design",
                    "default_design_referenceid": "D000169",
                    "enable_user_uploaded": false,
                    "show_user_uploaded_propmt": true,
                    "user_uploaded_propmt": "Upload Design",
                    "design_area_width": 1029,
                    "design_area_height": 1016,
                    "scale_to_fit": "Always"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
definitionarray/listArray / List of compositions.

See object for more details


referenceidstringThis is unique identifier for design and required to access the any information about this composition.
namestringComposition name
tagsarray/xmlnodeArray / List of tags associated with the composition.
previewurl/string url path to get the composition image.

Expected Response
    <Name>COMP Test</Name>
    <Tags />
        <Name>Design  1</Name>
        <Name>Text  1</Name>
				<Prompt>Enter Your First Name</Prompt>
				<Prompt>Enter Your Last Name</Prompt>
        <Name>SelectableDesign  1</Name>
          <Prompt>Select Design</Prompt>
          <UserUploadedPropmt>Upload Design</UserUploadedPropmt>

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
Definitionarray/listArray / List of compositions.

See object for more details


ReferenceIDstringThis is unique identifier for design and required to access the any information about this composition.
NamestringComposition name
Tagsarray/xmlnodeArray / List of tags associated with the composition.
Previewurl/string url path to get the composition image.

Get Image (GetImage)

Return the Composition Image.

Method Url{username}/Compositions/GetImage?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true Composition Unique identifier.
dpi int 96 false Image resolution.
Width int 100 false Requested Image Width.
Height int 100 false Requested Image Height.
E.ElementID.Text or E.ElementName.Text.ElementID.TextorE.ElementName.Text string false Change Composition element text.This is applicable for only Lettering Elements(element type is lettering). Pass query string variable E.ElementID.Text or E.ElementName.Text (Refer Composition->GetDefinition for ElementID/ElementName)
E.ElementID.Color or E.ElementName.Color.ElementID.ColororE.ElementName.Color string false Change Composition element color.This is applicable for only Lettering Elements(element type is lettering). Pass query string variable E.ElementID.Color or E.ElementName.Color (Refer Composition->GetDefinition for ElementID/ElementName). Any RGB value is valid for this parameter. Url Encode values before passing.
E.ElementID.Font or E.ElementName.Font.ElementID.FontorE.ElementName.Font string false It supports Font and Alphabet query string varaibles. Change Composition element font/alphabet.This is applicable for only Lettering Elements(element type is lettering). Pass query string variable E.ElementID.Font or E.ElementName.Font or E.ElementID.Alphabet or E.ElementName.Alphabet (Refer Composition->GetDefinition for ElementID/ElementName). This value needs to be valid font ReferenceID from the associated font collection.

Output / Result

Return Composition Image.

Get File (GetFile)

Returns the Composition file.

Method Url{username}/Compositions/GetFile?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true Unique identifier for the composition you want to download.
FileName string true Output file name.
E.ElementID.Text or E.ElementName.Text.ElementID.TextorE.ElementName.Text string false Change Composition element text.This is applicable for only Lettering Elements(element type is lettering). Pass query string variable E.ElementID.Text or E.ElementName.Text (Refer Composition->GetDefinition for ElementID/ElementName)
E.ElementID.Color or E.ElementName.Color.ElementID.ColororE.ElementName.Color string false Change Composition element color.This is applicable for only Lettering Elements(element type is lettering). Pass query string variable E.ElementID.Color or E.ElementName.Color (Refer Composition->GetDefinition for ElementID/ElementName). Any RGB value is valid for this parameter. Url Encode values before passing.
E.ElementID.Font or E.ElementName.Font.ElementID.FontorE.ElementName.Font string false It supports Font and Alphabet query string varaibles. Change Composition element font/alphabet.This is applicable for only Lettering Elements(element type is lettering). Pass query string variable E.ElementID.Font or E.ElementName.Font or E.ElementID.Alphabet or E.ElementName.Alphabet (Refer Composition->GetDefinition for ElementID/ElementName). This value needs to be valid font ReferenceID from the associated font collection.
FabricStyle string false This is style unique identifier i.e. style referenceid and this parameter is only applicable to embroidery files. Any invalid value will be discarded i.e. if we don't find the style in our records then no style will be applied to output file.

Output / Result

returns a design file for the compositions.

Get Tag List (GetTags)

Get List of Composition tags

Method Url{username}/Compositions/GetTags?parameterlist



Format string xml false output format. available format's XML,json,jsonp

Output / Result

Return the list of composition tags in requested format.

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "count": 2,
    "list": [
            "name": "Butterfly",
            "count": 1
            "name": "Disney",
            "count": 1

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
countintTotal number of tags.
listarray/listArray / List of tags.

See object for more details


namestringTag Name.
countstringcomposition count.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Return true if successfully executed and return false if failed to execute.
CountintTotal number of tags.
Listarray/listArray / List of tags.

See object for more details


NamestringTag Name.
Countstringcomposition count.

Get Stitch Player (GetStitchPlayer)

Render flash based stitch player. It's always suggested to render in iframe or new tab/window. This will work only for valid compositions.

Method Url{username}/Compositions/GetStitchPlayer?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true Composition ReferenceID. unique identifier of the composition
Height int 400 false Stitch Player Height.
Width int 400 false Stitch Player Width.
Auto boolean false false Automatically start player on load.
Speed int 75 false player rendering speed.

Output / Result

render stitch player.