Get Lettering Image (GetImage)

Return the Lettering Image.

Method Url{username}/Letterings/GetImage?parameterlist



Text string true Letterign text to be generated.
Color string 000000 false Letterign color, html hex color string (ie. red=ff0000)
Alphabet string false Alphabet referenceid. if not passed "FULL BLOCK" will be used as default alphabet.
BaseLineType int 0 false Text baseline

supported values:

0 – Straight
1 – Vertical
2 – Arced
3 – Perspective Left
4 – Perspective Right
5 – Bridge Top
6 – Bridge Bottom
7 – Double Arc
8 – Inverted Bridge Top
9 – Inverted Bridge Bottom
10 – Inverted Double Arc
11 – Double Bridge Up
12 – Double Bridge Down
ArcRad int 762 false If baselinetype is 2 then this controls radius of arc in units of .1mm (254=1 inch)
CCW int 0 false supported values:

0 – arc goes clockwise
1 - arc goes counter-clockwise
Height int 254 false Height of lettering in .1mm (254 = 1inch)
rotang int 0 false Rotation angle of lettering in degrees
bold int 0 false Lettering bold style

supported values:

0 – normal
1 - bold
italic int 0 false Lettering italic style

supported values:

0 – normal
1 - italic
xoff int 0 false Offset from hoop origin to center lettering in .1mm units
yoff int 0 false Offset from hoop origin to center lettering in .1mm units
xscale int 1 false Scale factor lettering element (ie. 1.0 means no scale 2.0 doubles size)
yscale int 1 false Scale factor lettering element (ie. 1.0 means no scale 2.0 doubles size)
horient int 0 false Lettering flip style

supported values:

0 – don’t flip horizontally
1 – flip horizontally
vorient int 0 false Lettering flip style

supported values:

0 – don’t flip vertically
1 – flip vertically
justification int 1 false Lettering justification style

supported values:

0 – Left Justify
1 – Center Justify
2 – Right Justify
xdim int -1 false scale width to this dimension. If ydim not specified aspect is maintained
default: -1 (use dimensions in file)
ydim int -1 false scale height to this dimension. If xdim not specified aspect is maintained.
default: -1 (use dimensions in file)
DPI int 96 false Image resolution.
Width int 0 false Lettering image width. default return actual size image.
MaxHeight int 0 false Lettering image max height.
Square bool 0/false false output image will be square.

Output / Result

Return Lettering Image.

Get Lettering File (GetFile)

Return the Lettering File.

Method Url{username}/Letterings/GetFile?parameterlist



Text string true Letterign text to be generated.
Color string 000000 false Letterign color, html hex color string (ie. red=ff0000)
Alphabet string false Alphabet referenceid. if not passed "FULL BLOCK" will be used as default alphabet.
BaseLineType int 0 false Text baseline

supported values:

0 – Straight
1 – Vertical
2 – Arced
3 – Perspective Left
4 – Perspective Right
5 – Bridge Top
6 – Bridge Bottom
7 – Double Arc
8 – Inverted Bridge Top
9 – Inverted Bridge Bottom
10 – Inverted Double Arc
11 – Double Bridge Up
12 – Double Bridge Down
ArcRad int 762 false If baselinetype is 2 then this controls radius of arc in units of .1mm (254=1 inch)
CCW int 0 false supported values:

0 – arc goes clockwise
1 - arc goes counter-clockwise
Height int 254 false Height of lettering in .1mm (254 = 1inch)
rotang int 0 false Rotation angle of lettering in degrees
bold int 0 false Lettering bold style

supported values:

0 – normal
1 - bold
italic int 0 false Lettering italic style

supported values:

0 – normal
1 - italic
xoff int 0 false Offset from hoop origin to center lettering in .1mm units
yoff int 0 false Offset from hoop origin to center lettering in .1mm units
xscale int 1 false Scale factor lettering element (ie. 1.0 means no scale 2.0 doubles size)
yscale int 1 false Scale factor lettering element (ie. 1.0 means no scale 2.0 doubles size)
horient int 0 false Lettering flip style

supported values:

0 – don’t flip horizontally
1 – flip horizontally
vorient int 0 false Lettering flip style

supported values:

0 – don’t flip vertically
1 – flip vertically
justification int 1 false Lettering justification style

supported values:

0 – Left Justify
1 – Center Justify
2 – Right Justify
xdim int -1 false scale width to this dimension. If ydim not specified aspect is maintained
default: -1 (use dimensions in file)
ydim int -1 false scale height to this dimension. If xdim not specified aspect is maintained.
default: -1 (use dimensions in file)
FabricStyle string false Fabric style unique identifier i.e. style referenceid and this parameter is only applicable to embroidery files. It will apply fabric style properties to the output file. Any invalid value will be discarded.

Output / Result

Return Lettering production ready file.

Get Lettering Stitch Player (GetStitchPlayer)

Render flash based stitch player. It's always suggested to render in iframe or new tab/window. This will work only for embroidery designs.

Method Url{username}/Letterings/GetStitchPlayer?parameterlist



Supported ParamsParams Refer GetImage and GetFile methods for all lettering properties
Height int 400 false Stitch Player Height.
Width int 400 false Stitch Player Width.
Auto boolean false false Automatically start player on load.
Speed int 75 false player rendering speed.

Output / Result

render stitch player.