Get Design List (GetList)

Get List of Designs

Method Url{username}/Designs/GetList?parameterlist



StartIndex int 0 false 0-based starting index of the designs to be returned. Use this in conjunction with the RecordCount parameter to retrieve sets of designs. For example, call this method with StartIndex=0 and RecordCount=50 to retrieve the first 50 designs. Then, call this method with StartIndex=50 and RecordCount=50 to retrieve the next 50 designs. Then, call this method with StartIndex=100 and RecordCount=50 to retrieve the next 50 designs. And so on.
RecordCount int 100 false The number of designs in the retuned list (List Size). Maximum = 1000 designs.
CollectionReferenceID string false Collection ReferenceID. Returns only the designs in the designated collection.
Tags string false Comma separated list of tags. This list will apply a search filter as an "and" condition. For example, if the value of "embroidery,melco" is passed in for this parameter, then only designs having both "embroidery" and "melco" tags will be returned.
SearchText string false This will return designs that have the provided text in the design name.
Methods string false Embelishment Embroidery=1, Print=2. If 1 is passed, then only embroidery designs will be returned. default is all
MinColors int false Only print designs that have at least the provided number of colors will be returned. If this parameter is passed with embroidery(methods) then it will be ignored.
MaxColors int false Only print designs that have the provided number of print colors or less will be returned. If this parameter is passed with embroidery(methods) then it will be ignored.
MinThreads int false Only embroidery designs that have at least the provided number of embroidery colors will be returned. If this parameter is passed with printing(methods) then it will be ignored.
MaxThreads int false Only embroidery designs that have the provided number of embroidery colors or less will be returned.If this parameter is passed with printing(methods) then it will be ignored.
MinStitches int false Only embroidery designs that have at least the provided number of stitches will be returned.If this parameter is passed with printing(methods) then it will be ignored.
MaxStitches int false Only embroidery designs that have the provided number of stitches or less will be returned.If this parameter is passed with printing(methods) then it will be ignored.
MinSize float false The minimum dimension in tenth's of a millimeter (i.e. 254 = 1 inch) for width and height for embroidery designs in the returned design list.
MaxSize float false The maximum dimension in tenth's of a millimeter (i.e. 254 = 1 inch) for width and height for embroidery designs in the returned design list.
EndUserName string false Search designs for specific end user assigned in the design upload api call.
Scope string All false Search designs for specific scope (Public/1 ,Private/2).
Vendor string false ReferenceID of design providers. Refer GetVendorList api call for details.
Format string xml false Output format. Available format's: XML, json, jsonp

Output / Result

Return the list of designs in the requested format.

Expected Response
	"success" : "true",
	"count" : 2,
	"list" : [
			"referenceid" : "D000175",
			"name" : "Mustang",
			"file_name" : "Mustang.ofm",
			"service" : "Embroidery",
			"thumbnail_cache_100x100" : "",
			"tags" : [
			"collections" : [
			"sort_order" : 0,
			"scope" :"Public",
			"vendor" : ""
			"referenceid" : "D000173",
			"name" : "Ball",
			"file_name" : "Ball.ofm",
			"service" : "Embroidery",
			"thumbnail_cache_100x100" : "",
			"tags" : [
			"collections" : [
			"sort_order" : 0,
			"scope" :"Public",
			"vendor" : "AI"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
countintThe total number of designs that were returned, based on the applied filters. (This is required to implement paging, etc.)
listarray/listArray / List of designs.

See object for more details
error_codestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.


referenceidstringThis is the unique identifier for the design. It is required to access any information about this specific design.
namestringThe name of the design. By default, this will be the file name of the uploaded design without the extension. For example, if you uploaded a design file named "disney.ofm", then the name will be "disney".
file_namestringThe file name of the design. For example, "disney.ofm", or "alligator.eps".
servicestringThe name of the service (Embroidery or Print).
thumbnail_cache_100x100stringIf a cached 100x100 thumbnail file exists for this design, that url will be returned here. If this field is empty and you wish to retrieve the design thumbnail, or if you with a thumbnail of a different size, please utilize the Designs/GetThumbnail API call.
tagsarray/xmlnodeArray / List of tags associated with the design.
collectionsarray/xmlnodeArray / List of Collections with which the design is associated.
scopestringDesign scope (Public or Private)
vendorstringDesign Provider name i.e. AI, Dakota etc.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
CountintThe total number of designs that were returned, based on the applied filters. (This is required to implement paging, etc.)
Listarray/listArray / List of designs.

See object for more details
ErrorCodestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.


ReferenceIDstringThis is the unique identifier for the design. It is required to access any information about this specific design.
NamestringThe name of the design. By default, this will be the file name of the uploaded design without the extension. For example, if you uploaded a design file named "disney.ofm", then the name will be "disney".
FileNamestringThe file name of the design. For example, "disney.ofm", or "alligator.eps".
ServicestringThe name of the service (Embroidery or Print).
ThumbnailCache100X100stringIf a cached 100x100 thumbnail file exists for this design, that url will be returned here. If this field is empty and you wish to retrieve the design thumbnail, or if you with a thumbnail of a different size, please utilize the Designs/GetThumbnail API call.
Tagsarray/xmlnodeArray / List of tags associated with the design.
Collectionsarray/xmlnodeArray / List of Collections with which the design is associated.
ScopestringDesign scope (Public or Private)
VendorstringDesign Provider name i.e. AI, Dakota etc.

Get Design Definition (GetDefinition)

Returns metadata for a given design.

Method Url{username}/Designs/GetDefinition?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true The unique identifier of the design for which you wish to receive metadata.
Format string xml false Output format. Available format's: XML, json, jsonp

Output / Result

Returns the requested design's metadata.

Expected Response
	"success" : "true",
	"definition" : {
		"referenceid" : "D000138",
		"name" : "Airmen",
		"file_name" : "Airmen.ofm",
		"stitches" : 6673,
		"colors" : 4,
		"height" : "1.7 in.",
		"width" : "5.9 in.",
		"tags" : [
		"collections" : 2,
		"compositions" : 1,
		"readies" : 2,
		"design_type" : "Embroidery",
		"thumbnail_cache_100x100" : "",
		"views" : 5,
		"downloads" : 2,
		"istemplate" :false,
		"scope" :"Private",
		"vendor" : "AI",

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
definitionobjectobject with design properties.

See object for more details
error_codestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.


referenceidstringThe unique identifier of the design.
namestringThe name of the design.
file_namestringThe file name of the design.
stitchesintThe number of stitches in the design. This will be 0 (zero) for print designs.
colorsintThe number of colors in the design.
widthstringThe width of the design.
tagsArray / ObjectAn array containing all of the tags associated with this design.
collectionsintThe number of collections with which this design is associated.
compositionsintThe number of compositions with which this design is associated.
readiesintThe number of readies with which this design is associated.
design_typestringThe type of design (Embroidery or Vector).
thumbnail_cache_100x100stringIf a cached 100x100 thumbnail file exists for this design, that url will be returned here. If this field is empty and you wish to retrieve the design thumbnail, or if you with a thumbnail of a different size, please utilize the Designs/GetThumbnail API call.
viewsintView count, how many time this design is viewed.
downloadsintDownload count, how many time this design is downloaded.
istemplatebooleanBoolean value, true for design templates and false for generic designs.
scopestringDesign scope (Public or Private)
vendorstringDesign Provider name i.e. AI, Dakota etc.

Expected Response
		<Height>1.7 in.</Height>
		<Width>5.9 in.</Width>

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
Definitionobjectobject with design properties.

See object for more details
ErrorCodestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.


ReferenceIDstringThe unique identifier of the design.
NamestringThe name of the design.
FileNamestringThe file name of the design.
StitchesintThe number of stitches in the design. This will be 0 (zero) for print designs.
ColorsintThe number of colors in the design.
WidthstringThe width of the design.
TagsArray / ObjectAn array containing all of the tags associated with this design.
CollectionsintThe number of collections with which this design is associated.
CompositionsintThe number of compositions with which this design is associated.
ReadiesintThe number of readies with which this design is associated.
DesignTypestringThe type of design (Embroidery or Vector).
ThumbnailCache100X100stringIf a cached 100x100 thumbnail file exists for this design, that url will be returned here. If this field is empty and you wish to retrieve the design thumbnail, or if you with a thumbnail of a different size, please utilize the Designs/GetThumbnail API call.
ViewsintView count, how many time this design is viewed.
DownloadsintDownload count, how many time this design is downloaded.
IsTemplatebooleanBoolean value, true for design templates and false for generic designs.
ScopestringDesign scope (Public or Private)
VendorstringDesign Provider name i.e. AI, Dakota etc.

Get Design Image (GetImage)

Returns an image of the selected design.

Method Url{username}/Designs/GetImage?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true The unique identifier of the design for which you want the image.
DPI int 96 false Your desired image resolution.

Output / Result

Returns an image of the selected design.

Get Thumbnail Image (GetThumbnail)

Return the design thumbnail image.

Method Url{username}/Designs/GetThumbnail?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true The unique identifier, representing the Design for which you want the thumbnail.
Width int 100 false Thumbnail Image width in pixels.
Square boolean true false If true, the output image will be square.

Output / Result

Returns a thumbnail image (graphics).

Get Design File (GetFile)

Returns the Design file.

Method Url{username}/Designs/GetFile?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true Unique identifier for the design you want to download.
FileName string false Output file name with extension. Value of the this parameter determines the output type, if you want to download the ofm file, pass the value of this parameter as [FileName].ofm refer the detailed table for supported file formats See more details

Code Snippets

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;

namespace Melco.Examples
    public class Designs
        public static void GetFile()
            string url = "";
            WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(url);
            webRequest.Method = "GET";
            WebResponse webResponse = webRequest.GetResponse();
            Stream responseStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream();
            if (webResponse.ContentType.ToLower().StartsWith("text/xml;"))
                //logic to handle the error here

                //get the error details
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream);
                string resStr= reader.ReadToEnd();
                XmlDocument xmlDOC = new XmlDocument();

                string error = xmlDOC.SelectSingleNode("/Response/ErrorCode").InnerText;
                string errorMessage = xmlDOC.SelectSingleNode("/Response/ErrorMessage").InnerText;
                MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
                int count = 0;
                byte[] result = null;
                byte[] fileBuffer = new byte[webResponse.ContentLength];
                    count = responseStream.Read(fileBuffer, 0, fileBuffer.Length);
                    memoryStream.Write(fileBuffer, 0, count);
                    if (count == 0){
                while (true);
                result = memoryStream.ToArray();
                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(@"C:\Examples\GetFile.ofm", result);

Output / Result

Returns the design file.

Get Design Meta Data (GetMetaData)

Return the design metadata.

Method Url{username}/Designs/GetMetaData?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true The unique identifier of the design for which you wish to receive metadata.
Format string xml false Output format. Available format's: XML, json, jsonp

Output / Result

Returns the object with the design metadata.

Expected Response
	"success" : "true",
	"design_data" : {
			"referenceid" : "D000135",
			"stitches" : 12050,
			"design_colors" : [
					"id" : "C0",
					"color_r" : 236,
					"color_g" : 244,
					"color_b" : 251,
					"thread_code" : "621",
					"thread_name" : "",
					"manufacturer" : "ARC Poly",
					"name" : "Wings"
					"id" : "C1",
					"color_r" : 192,
					"color_g" : 203,
					"color_b" : 198,
					"thread_code" : "10",
					"thread_name" : "",
					"manufacturer" : "ARC Poly",
					"name" : "Body"
			"letterings" : [
					"id" : "L0",
					"text" : "MILLBORO VOLUNTEER",
					"alphabet" : "OESCO BLOCK CP",
					"height" : 78.884,
					"colors" : [
							"id" : "C2",
							"color_r" : 59,
							"color_g" : 60,
							"color_b" : 59,
							"thread_code" : "621",
							"thread_name" : "",
							"manufacturer" : "ARC Poly",
							"name" : "Border"
					"id" : "L1",
					"text" : "FIRE ASSN",
					"alphabet" : "OESCO BLOCK CP",
					"height" : 80.772,
					"colors" : [
							"id" : "C3",
							"color_r" : 59,
							"color_g" : 60,
							"color_b" : 59,
							"thread_code" : "621",
							"thread_name" : "",
							"manufacturer" : "ARC Poly",
							"name" : "Text Color"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


referenceidstringDesign unique identifier.
stitchesintThe number of stitches in the design. This will be 0 (zero) for print designs.
design_colorsobject/xml elementList of colors available in this design. This is just designs colors - lettering color will not be included in this list.

See object for more details
letteringobject /elementList of Lettering objects in the design.

See object for more details


idstringElement ID. Unique identifier - required to modify the design by API.
color_rintR value of the color.
color_gintG value of the color.
color_bintB value of the color.
thread_codestringThread Code. This is applicable for embroidery designs only.
thread_namestringThread Name. This is applicable for embroidery designs only.
manufacturerstringThread Manufacturer or Supplier. This is applicable for embroidery designs only i.e. ARC Poly


idstringLettering ElementID. Unique identifier - required to modify the design by API.
textstringElement Text.
alphabetstringAlphabet Name.
heightdecimalLettering Height in CM.
colorsobject/xml elementList of Colors available in this lettering.

Expected Response
				<Manufacturer>ARC Poly</Manufacturer>
				<Manufacturer>ARC Poly</Manufacturer>
				<Alphabet>OESCO BLOCK CP</Alphabet>
						<Manufacturer>ARC Poly</Manufacturer>
				<Text>FIRE ASSN</Text>
				<Alphabet>OESCO BLOCK CP</Alphabet>
						<Manufacturer>ARC Poly</Manufacturer>

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


ReferenceIDstringDesign unique identifier.
StitchesintThe number of stitches in the design. This will be 0 (zero) for print designs.
DesignColorsobject/xml elementList of colors available in this design. This is just designs colors - lettering color will not be included in this list.

See object for more details
Letteringobject /elementList of Lettering objects in the design.

See object for more details


IDstringElement ID. Unique identifier - required to modify the design by API.
ColorRintR value of the color.
ColorGintG value of the color.
ColorBintB value of the color.
ThreadCodestringThread Code. This is applicable for embroidery designs only.
ThreadNamestringThread Name. This is applicable for embroidery designs only.
ManufacturerstringThread Manufacturer or Supplier. This is applicable for embroidery designs only i.e. ARC Poly


IDstringLettering ElementID. Unique identifier - required to modify the design by API.
TextstringElement Text.
AlphabetstringAlphabet Name.
HeightdecimalLettering Height in CM.
Colorsobject/xml elementList of Colors available in this lettering.

Get Design Tags (GetTags)

Returns a list of design tags.

Method Url{username}/Designs/GetTags?parameterlist



ReferenceID string false To retrieve tags associated with a specific design, pass ReferenceID of the design here.
CollectionReferenceID string false To retrieve tags associated with a design collection, pass ReferenceID of the design collection here.
Methods string false Filter Tags for embroidery or print. Pass "embroidery" or 1 to filter tags for embroidery designs and "print" or 2 to filter designs for print.
Format string xml false Output format. Available format's: XML, json, jsonp

Output / Result

Returns the list of tags in requested format.

Expected Response
	"success" : "true",
    "count" : 2,
	"list" : [
			"name" : "Embroidery",
			"count" : 5
			"name" : "Ball",

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
countintTotal number of available tags.
listobjectArray / List of the requested tags.

See object for more details
error_codestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.


namestringThe name of the tag
countstringThe number of the designs with which this tag is associated.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
CountintTotal number of available tags.
ListobjectArray / List of the requested tags.

See object for more details
ErrorCodestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.


NamestringThe name of the tag
CountstringThe number of the designs with which this tag is associated.

Get Service/ Method Info (GetMethodInfo)

Returns a list of services/methods and a count of designs accosciated with each service/method.

Method Url{username}/Designs/GetMethodInfo?parameterlist



CollectionReferenceID string false To retrieve the service/method information associated with a specific design collection, pass the ReferenceID of the design collection here.
Format string xml false Output format. Available format's: XML, json, jsonp

Output / Result

Returns information about services/methods.

Expected Response
	"success" : "true",
	"list" : [
			"referenceid" : 1,
			"name" : "Embroidery",
			"count" : 142
			"referenceid" : 2,
			"name" : "Printing",
			"count" : 29

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
listobjectArray / List of Services/Methods.

See object for more details
error_codestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.


referenceidintThe unique identifier of the service/method.
namestringThe name of the service/method.
countintThe number of designs associated with this service/method.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
ListobjectArray / List of Services/Methods.

See object for more details
ErrorCodestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.


ReferenceIDintThe unique identifier of the service/method.
NamestringThe name of the service/method.
CountintThe number of designs associated with this service/method.

Set Design Meta Data (SetMetaData)

Update the design information / metadata.

Method Url{username}/Designs/SetMetaData?parameterlist



ReferenceID string false The unique identifier of the design for which you wish to set metadata.
Name string true This will update the design name to the value provided.
Tags string true Comma separated list of tags you wish to associate with the design.
Scope string false Design Scope (Public, Private).
Vendor string false Design provider Referenceid. Refer GetVendorList api call for details.

Output / Result

Update the design metadata information and return a success indicator or error information.

Expected Response
	"success" : "true"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
error_codestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
ErrorCodestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.

Upload Design (Upload)

Import the posted file as a design.

Method Url{username}/Designs/Upload?parameterlist



ReferenceID string false Design unique identifier. This allows you to set your own value for your design's DesignID / ReferenceID. This value must be unique or the upload will fail. This value will be trimmed(extra spaces will be removed) before processing
Tags string false Comma seperated list of tags to be associated with the design.
EndUserName string false Assign Design to specific user to filter it in other api calls. This needs to be unique identifier for data consistency i.e. UserName filed from your system (if it's non editable) or UserID field etc.
Format string xml false Output format. Available format's: XML, json, jsonp
DesignType string Design false Type of the design (Design or Template)
Scope string private false Design Scope (Public, Private).
Vendor string false Design provider Referenceid. Refer GetVendorList api call for details.

Output / Result

Upload / Import the posted design into the design catalog.

Expected Response
	"success" : "true",
	"definition" : [
		"success" : "true",
		"referenceid" : "D000138",
		"name" : "Airmen",
		"file_name" : "Airmen.ofm",
		"stitches" : 6673,
		"colors" : 4,
		"height" : "1.7 in.",
		"width" : "5.9 in.",
		"tags" : [
		"collections" : 0,
		"compositions" : 0,
		"readies" : 0,
		"design_type" : "Embroidery",
		"thumbnail_cache_100x100" : "",
		"scope" :"Private",
		"vendor" : "AI"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
designstringThe design object (with all the properties available in the GetDefinition call) will be returned only if the upload was successful.
error_codestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
DesignstringThe design object (with all the properties available in the GetDefinition call) will be returned only if the upload was successful.
ErrorCodestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.

Delete Design (Delete)

This call will remove the selected design if that design is not associated with any Compositions, Collections, or Readies.

Method Url{username}/Designs/Delete?parameterlist



ReferenceID string false Design unique identifier. The ReferenceID of the design you wish to delete.
Format string xml false Output format. Available format's: XML, json, jsonp

Output / Result

Expected Response
    "success" : "true"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values (true, false, used).1. true: the design was successfully deleted.2. false: the deletion failed due to some system error. 3. used: the design is associated with a collection, composition, or ready so it cannot be deleted.
error_codestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values (true, false, used).1. true: the design was successfully deleted.2. false: the deletion failed due to some system error. 3. used: the design is associated with a collection, composition, or ready so it cannot be deleted.
ErrorCodestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.

Get Auto Suggest (GetAutoSuggest)

Get List of Design Names and Tags for auto sugest functionality.

Method Url{username}/Designs/GetAutoSuggest?parameterlist



RecordCount int 100 false Record Count of Result Set. Maximum = 1000.
SearchText string false Filter the resultset by search text i.e. "a" will return all the data contains "a" in name or tags.

Output / Result

Return the resultset of auto suggest by applying parameters.

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "count": 5,
    "list": [
        " Joker",

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
countintThe total number of records available for the resultset.
listarray/listArray / List of auto suggest.
error_codestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
CountintThe total number of records available for the resultset.
Listarray/listArray / List of auto suggest.
ErrorCodestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.

Get Design Stitch Player (GetStitchPlayer)

Render flash based stitch player. It's always suggested to render in iframe or new tab/window.

Method Url{username}/Designs/GetStitchPlayer?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true Unique identifier for the design,you want to render stitch player. This will work only for embroidery designs..
Height int 400 false Stitch Player Height.
Width int 400 false Stitch Player Width.
Auto boolean false false Automatically start player on load.
Speed int 75 false player rendering speed.

Output / Result

render stitch player.

Set Design Stats (SetStats)

Set Design Stats (Rating, views etc)

Method Url{username}/Designs/SetStats?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true Unique identifier for the design
EndUserName string true EndUserName (Unique String) to associate stats. If this value is not passed or passed as blnak string, we will try to associate with Request IP.
UserTags string false Custom End User Tags.
Rating int false Design Rating, value range is 1-5
Hidden boolean false Design Status, allowed values (0,1,true,false). This will not hide the design from admin tool.
Viewed boolean false Increment the view count, allowed values (1,true)
Downloaded false increment the download count, allowed values (1,true)

Output / Result

Return design and end user stats.

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "design_stats": {
        "rating": 0,
        "views": 215,
        "downloads": 131
    "user_design_stats": {
        "rating": 0,
        "views": 4,
        "last_viewed": "6/5/2012 10:21:09 PM",
        "hidden": "false",
        "downloads": 0,
        "last_downloaded": ""

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
referenceidstringThis is the unique identifier for the design. It is required to access any information about this specific design.
design_statsobject/nodeobject or node with design stats properties. These proprties are specific to enduser

See object for more details
user_design_statsobject/nodeobject or node with user stats properties.

See object for more details
error_codestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.


ratingstringDesign global rating.
downloadsstringGlobal design downloads.
viewesstring Gobal design view count.


ratingstringdesign rating by current user(endusername).
viewsstringdesign views count by current user(endusername).
last_viewedstringdesign last viewed date time by current user(endusername).
hiddenstringdesign hidden status for current user(endusername).
downloadsstringdesign downloads count by current user(endusername).
last_downloadedstringdesign last downloaded date time by current user(endusername).

Expected Response
    <LastViewed>6/5/2012 10:21:41 PM</LastViewed>

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
ReferenceIDstringThis is the unique identifier for the design. It is required to access any information about this specific design.
DesignStatsobject/nodeobject or node with design stats properties. These proprties are specific to enduser

See object for more details
UserDesignStatsobject/nodeobject or node with user stats properties.

See object for more details
ErrorCodestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.


RatingstringDesign global rating.
DownloadsstringGlobal design downloads.
Viewesstring Gobal design view count.


Ratingstringdesign rating by current user(endusername).
Viewsstringdesign views count by current user(endusername).
LastViewedstringdesign last viewed date time by current user(endusername).
Hiddenstringdesign hidden status for current user(endusername).
Downloadsstringdesign downloads count by current user(endusername).
LastDownloadedstringdesign last downloaded date time by current user(endusername).

Get Design Files as zip (GetFiles)

Returns archive of designs.

Method Url{username}/Designs/GetFiles?parameterlist



ReferenceID string true comma seprated list of design refrence id's, you want to download.
FileName string false Output file name.

Output / Result

Returns zip file of requested designs.

Get Vendor List (GetVendorList)

Get List of Design Vendors or Providers

Method Url{username}/Designs/GetVendorList?parameterlist



Format string xml false Output format. Available format's: XML, json, jsonp

Output / Result

Return the list of design vendors or providers.

Expected Response
    "success": "true",
    "count": 1,
    "list": [
            "referenceid": "V1",
            "name": "AI"

Error Response
    "success" : "false",
    "error_code" : "MISSING_PARAMETER",
    "error_message" : "Detailed error message"


successstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
countintThe total number of design providers.
listarray/listArray / List of design providers.

See object for more details
error_codestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
error_messagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.


referenceidstringThis is the unique identifier for the design provider. This is required to search any information about provider or search by provider.
namestringDesign Provider Name.

Expected Response

Error Response
	<ErrorMessage>Detailed error message</ErrorMessage>


SuccessstringPossible values "true", "false". Will return true if the call successfully executed and will return false if the call failed to execute.
CountintThe total number of design providers.
Listarray/listArray / List of design providers.

See object for more details
ErrorCodestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is the error identifier. Please refer to error code list for more details.
ErrorMessagestringOnly available if the call failed to execute. This is a detailed message for the error.


ReferenceIDstringThis is the unique identifier for the design provider. This is required to search any information about provider or search by provider.
NamestringDesign Provider Name.
